Chapter 16

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"Everything seemed to have started around three to four hundred years ago, which was around the time of the first demon sighting. There are no records of demons before this time. This demon had a human like shape, but with horns and dark red skin. Their eyes glowed a deep yellow, and it wore leather clothes similar to how a human would. However, the demon didn't speak our language, in an attempt to overcome the language barrier the demon grabbed a human by the head and tried to use some sort of telepathy. The human went mad from the encounter and ran from the demon screaming in horror. In response the demon killed him, causing the village to flee in panic. 

"During that time, some of the villagers started developing magical abilities. Gathering their forces, they fought the demon and managed to destroy it. Although this should have made the villagers feel safe, many felt even more terrified. Where did they get their powers? Did they get them from the demon? Would they turn into demons themselves? These were the types of questions the villagers had started asking, and so more villagers left.

"It didn't take long for those with abilities to start questioning themselves, but the didn't seem evil, and they didn't feel any different than before. They worked on harnessing their abilities and experimenting, and they came to the realization that they were gaining more knowledge than they had before. Soon they were making things like gun powder, guns, expanding on weaponry and making them more durable. Using their new knowledge, they started creating an armory and gearing up for a fight. Where there was one demon, they were sure another was bound to follow and appear, and when they happened they would be ready. Strengthening their magic, they learned to create barriers to protect those around them.

"Sure enough, they had been right and another demon appeared. This demon was a summoner who brought more demons with them, and our ancestors managed to keep the demons at bay for years.  Our predecessors names themselves sorcerers and went on to have children, whom were also gifted in the magical arts. They were raised to fight and hone their abilities to fight against the demonic threat pouring into our realm. As the years passed the number of demons increased, the demon summoner became too powerful and demons had started spilling out more quickly than they could contain. That's when they started hunting, and when we started calling ourselves demon hunters. 

"The sorcerers started to disperse and several went out hunting the demons that were escaping, forming clan of their own. Those who stayed in the village were trying to find a way to contain the demon summoner, and cut off it's ability to summon demons. One man in particular had an idea for a stronger barrier, however it would take a lot of time and energy. He would need assistance from the other hunters. They managed to contain the demon and the hunter started weaving magic into a barrier surrounding it. He worked tirelessly for days weaving in magic. Meanwhile demons were still coming out, and a week passed and he was still struggling. Then a woman appeared and started helping him. She managed to keep the demons at bay as they worked. She helped him weave magic into the barrier making it stronger. Together they managed to push the demon back and capture it permanently within a barrier, preventing the summoner from bringing anything else here.

"They decided to build around the trapped demon to keep it contained forever. That's where Crowfall Keep is now. As they built the castle they weaved magic into it. They spent years perfecting the castle and creating a prison underneath, not just for the one demon but for many demons. They captured demons and locked them up. Dangerous ones and small ones alike."

"Why not send them back or kill them?" Zandra asked trying to figure out why they would keep them at all. 

He shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure. I know that when demons started spilling over many of them started changing people on this side. Maybe they didn't think to send them back at that point or they couldn't."

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