Chapter 22

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With her stress levels lower, the next couple of days went by with more ease. She was able to put proper focus and concentration on her exercises and spells. Before she knew it she was able to control the water in the air, and was working on small healing spells. With any luck, she could at least help out if things went south and Fen was injured.

Fen walked over to her, "you've learned a lot quicker that I thought you would," he said praising her accomplishment.

She smiled, "thanks."

"I guess all that royal blood comes in handy," he responded with a slight chuckle.

"Seems to have some advantages at least," Zandra said with a shrug.

Fen was quiet for a moment, and stood there with a little nervousness before speaking. "Would you like to read some of the books that got left behind? About your family?"

She looked at him with a bit of confusion, "you don't want anyone to touch your father's things."

He shrugged, "you're not anyone. Besides, maybe it will give you a better understanding of what happened and what is happening."

She wasn't sure what to say.

"You can think about it. They are here for you anytime you want them. Just let me know," he said trying to ease her concerns.

Zandra nodded, "thank you. I appreciate that. It will probably be good to get some reading done before heading over there, maybe I'll learn something useful."

He stood there for an awkward moment before deciding to walk off.

Once she finished her training, Henry walked up to her and asked, "hey, are you up for sparring?"

She was a little reluctant but agreed.

Getting into position, she signaled for him to attack her. Henry was swift and did not hold back with his strength attempting to prove that he was capable. She was impressed that he was taking all of this with more seriousness than she thought he would.

"I think you're ready to go on your first hunt," she said to him as he tried to catch his breath.

"You think?" His said with pride.

She gave a little chuckle, "I'll talk to Fen about getting one soon."

"Alright. Hopefully you two don't wear me out before we go. I spend most of my afternoons relaxing my stiff muscles." He rolled his shoulders and winced.

"I'll try to keep that mind."

Fen had gotten busy for a few days, leaving Zandra to help train Henry before their mission and keep him on track.

"When are we going on our mission, so I can prepare?" Henry asked with impatience.

"Most likely tomorrow. I'm sure he's gotten a request that we can take care of by now." She said as they walked towards Fen's study, after they finished up for the day.

"Requests?" He asked with curiosity.

She nodded, "people from all over send him requests to help with demonic activity. It's where I get most of my job offers. There are a few other hunters in the area that stop by on occasion to pick up missions."

"Oh? I didn't realize it was a thing," he said with a small laugh.

"Of course, it is. Being the best at what we do we tend to charge a bit more. It helps slow some of the requests," she informed him.

"Is that where you two keep disappearing to?" He made a reference not only to the fact that she disappeared from training a few times since they arrived, but Fen had as well.

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