Chapter 27

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As the sun rose Zandra moaned a little as she sat up off the floor with Fen following suit. "Maybe we should have saved some of our stamina..." she said with a smirk.

He chuckled, "it's a long trip to Crowfall. We will recover when we stop to make camp."

"Hopefully sooner rather than later," she said as she gathered her clothes to start getting dressed.

Once they were both almost dressed there was a slight knock and Henry opened the door. He looked at them and then around the destroyed room and let out a small whistle. "Did you two not sleep?"

Zandra shook her head and made sure not to make eye contact with either of them as she finished slipping on the rest of her clothes. "I'm going to head to the armory and gather everything we need from there, then I will go see Bryan."

Once Fen was dressed, he went about like everything was normal. "You two go on ahead and I'll meet you at the edge of town. I have a few things I still have to take care of before we go." He was already at his desk going through documents and books with haste as he continued preparing for his departure.

Henry followed Zandra out of the study and towards the armory. "Thank you," he said as they walked.

"For what?" She asked still not looking at him.

"Last night I managed to get some rest despite everything," he said with appreciation.

They opened the door and Henry paused as he was in awe of the 200ft room lined with weapons of every kind. There were islands in the middle with bags on top and drawers going to the floor. One could assume they were filled with ammo and other smaller trinkets.

"The least I could do," she said to him as she grabbed one of the bags. "Take anything you feel comfortable with. There is ammo in the drawers here," She put her hand on the first table, then she pointed at the second table. "Those drawers contain magic gems and stones that have been enchanted. Some of them are for quick healing, some recover stamina, and there are some to replenish our magic and give us strength."

"Which ones are we taking?" Henry asked still awestruck with it all.

"All of them," she said as she started filling her bag with various weapons. Once the bag was filled, she started stuffing her pockets and holsters with a little of everything.

Henry followed suit being a little more comfortable with his own gear at this point. "Are we carrying this all the way there?" He asked as they slung the bags over their shoulders and started heading towards town. There were several bags and he struggled to carry the ones that had been designated to him.

She chuckled, "just to the stables."

He let out a sigh of relief, though that relief was short lived when they stopped at one of the shops and went in. The shopkeeper, Bryan, looked up at the two of them and his smile turned serious when he saw everything in their arms. His eyes locked with Zandra's, "What'll you have?"

"Three weeks supply for three people." She said to him with a heavy tone.

"So soon? I need time to prepare things like that." He said shaking his head. Zandra dropped a bag and it landed with a loud thud. There were items on his shelves that rattled. She pulled out a coin purse and dropped it on his counter. The man grabbed it and nodded with a smirk. "Understood. I'll need to call in help for this."

"We need to leave as soon as possible," she said with a flat tone.

Bryan nodded, "Consider it done. Put the closed sign up for me will ya?" He signaled to Henry and the door.

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