Chapter 21

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The next morning Zandra kept her promise and headed out back to spend time with the boys. Most of the morning went well, neither made a move to get close to her and allowed her to focus on her training. Fen kept a professional distance as he tried to explain how to pull water from the air. Henry even kept a decent distance while he did his own routine, which was enough to make her feel comfortable. They were all far enough apart, but close enough that none of them felt alone.

However, things took a quick awkward turn as the day wore on. Henry went inside to clean himself off and Fen stuck around outside, taking his shirt off as he sat down on a nearby bench to cool down. The day had been hot, Zandra had to admit, and he wasn't one to go this long in the heat with so much clothing on. It was clear that he was respecting her wishes and her space.

After a few minutes he stood up and approached her. "Do you understand how to feel out the water?"

Zandra shook her head, "no."

"Visualize the water within you. Your body is made up of mostly water. Focus on that. It might help to think of running water or the sound of the river," he said with a soothing voice.

Closing her eyes, she tried to visualize the water flowing within her, like a stream. Taking a small breath, she felt the current moving and she focused on following and feeling it.

"Do you feel it?" He asked.

Zandra nodded in silence so she could keep her focus.

"Good," Fen was going to move closer but decided not to. "Get used to how it moves and feels. You cannot change the direction of the current, and the water within you needs to remain. Instead try to connect to the water current in the air. Feel the moisture around you."

She did as she was told while keeping her eyes closed. However, she couldn't find any moisture in the air around her, "I can't feel any."

"Here," he stepped into her space and placed an arm around her stomach and with the other he grabbed her closest arm and wrapped his other hand around her wrist. Holding on to her, he extended their arm out towards the air around him. "Now trying feeling some of the moisture."

There was a connection she felt when he touched her, and it felt as though some of his energy was flowing into her. Pockets of moisture could be felt around her, not to mention the perspiration dripping off his body.

"Do you feel it?" He asked her.

"Yes," her voice cracked a little. Already, her body was becoming distracted and her focus was gone. She opened her eyes and took a step back from him.

He took another step back himself. "Sorry. It wasn't intentional, you just looked like you could use some help is all."

Her face went red looking at him and her breathing increased. Would it be so bad if she just gave into her desires? It was becoming difficult to think of anything else.

"Zandra..." Fen was a bit concerned.

Realizing she was off in thought too long she looked at him. Before she could say anything, Henry came back out wearing nothing but his towel. His hair was still dripping and water was beading down his chest.

There was an instant reaction as her mouth started to water and tension could be felt rising through her, and this time is was painful. Looking between the two of them an evil idea flashed through her mind, and she gave them a mischievous grin. Signaling them to follow her she said nothing as she headed off towards one of the outside guest rooms. Neither of the men hesitated to follow her and she kept her walk playful as they reached her destination.

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