Part 4

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To Do the Next Right Thing

Chapter 4

The story was so far fetched it just had to be true. Armitage Hux, recruited from Black Spire Outpost to fight in the Battle of Exegol? Brought here by Zorii Bliss and laying low here on Ajan Kloss until Rey returned from burying the lightsabers? Made it off a Star Destroyer using an escape pod moments before it went into light speed?

"Damn it, Zorii..." Poe uttered, and sure enough, hovering by a tree near Rey's dwelling, was Zorii, leaning against the trunk. When Poe met her gaze, she lifted her visor and gave him a nod before walking away, her steps light.

"She probably brought you here just to piss me off," he added. "Speaking of, you're not off the hook just because you've done a couple of decent things. But we promised to hear you out."

"I was planning on asking for an audience with General Organa," Armitage pointed out. "But it's unfortunate to hear about her loss."

This did present some awful conundrum. True, he'd defected the First Order, saved her friends' lives, fought in the Battle of Exegol, even—but his past actions shouldn't be overlooked, as well.

Then again, Rey couldn't even bring herself to tell Finn and Poe what happened between her and Kylo Ren. She was still too embarrassed—it'd been in the moment, regrettable, heated. Best let them just think him dead for those awful actions, and not... what had actually transpired.

But that would have to play in part with what she decided with Armitage. They had a lot of thinking to do.

"Hey, Lieutenant Connix has been wondering where..." Rose bounded up to the group, but paled the moment she saw Armitage. Finn stood, having to hold her back and trying to explain their odd situation. Their voices were hushed, but Rey could tell Rose was holding back all her anger. Her hands balled up into tight fists at her sides.

She took a deep breath, then pursed her lips. "I know you're still figuring out what to do with him—and it's a very weird problem—but I think I might feel just a bit better if I could punch him."

Rey blinked, looking between her friends. They all shrugged in return, finding the request strange, but... certainly not unwarranted, given everything that happened. Hell, Rey should probably get one in, too. Armitage's expression remained still, like he was expecting it. It probably couldn't have been worse than everything else he'd been through these past few days, Rey figured.

"It's... fine with me," she said slowly, and the boys eventually nodded in agreement.

Armitage just kept that cool demeanor as Rose stomped up to him. "Eventually you're going to pay for everything you've done, but first—"

"Wait," Poe interrupted. "Make sure you use your first two knuckles for impact; they hit the hardest."

"Yeah," Finn chipped in. "And all the power comes from your core."

Chewie growled something in addition, but Rey held up her hand. "Okay, okay, we're not going to go that far," she said, not bothering to translate.

"Oh." Rose readied her fist, like she had to ready herself, to be sure. Other than Chewie's suggestion, Armitage just—remained still as ever. Like he could dissociate from whatever pain was coming his way.

She missed his nose, but Rey could still hear the hard impact; it'd certainly leave him with a black eye, or a bruise to the cheek. Impressively, Armitage grunted, but he took the blow well—almost like it didn't affect him in the slightest.

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