Part 13

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To Do the Next Right Thing

Chapter 13

Finn had been right this whole time.

Something in the Force probably told him they'd be in this position again, Rey deciding that where her future lay had everything to do with training up the next generation of Jedi.

She just couldn't do it alone. Finn was too needed on Ajan Kloss with Poe, as the two of them could perhaps start to live up to the legacy that General Organa had left behind. Much as Rey would have loved her friend to be with her, helping her with this...

Well, Armitage wasn't a terrible substitute. He had... prior experience, right? Even if it was rather nefarious?

When they woke the next morning, after they kissed, everything seemed the same between them. Maybe they would just... continue to take it this slow, see how a relationship between a former First Order general and the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine could bloom. BB-8 seemed okay with it, anyway, but it was hard to gauge emotions coming from a droid sometimes.

The first thing on the agenda, though, was warning Finn and Poe about her decision.

"Long time no hear!" Poe greeted when he answered the holovid, Finn next to him as per usual.

"It's only been a few days," said Rey, rolling her eyes affectionately. "How have you been?"

"I wish I could say things are going smoothly," Finn sighed.

"Yeah, it's like the end of a war leads to a bunch of complications!" Poe joked. "Who knew?"

"How's it going on Nakadia?"

"Good, really good..." Rey nodded, biting her lip.

"But...?" Finn pressed, gesturing for her to continue.

Oh, how were they going to take this? "So... I've made a decision about Armitage. And about what I want to do once this is all over."

"Great!" Poe exclaimed. "Let's hear it."

Rey decided she wouldn't say anything about their kiss (kisses) until they got back to base, and she could make more sense of it, get her words together. Right now they didn't need more trouble on their hands. Besides, she was still figuring it out for herself, too. They'd probably explode if she said anything. "Finn mentioned that the next natural progression was to find more like us: to find those out there who are Force sensitive and train them." Like Luke had tried before her. She'd take the teachings of all the Jedi, help these younglings chart their own paths with these extraordinary abilities.

"And it took you this whole adventure to figure this out?" Finn raised a brow. "I told you this before you even left."

"I know." Rey nodded. "But doing this, and seeing what it's like... reuniting Armitage with his mother gave me this sense of... I dunno, satisfaction, I guess? Does that sound narcissistic?"

"No," they both said.

"If that's what brought you to what I've been saying, that's definitely productive," Finn clarified.

"I feel like I could get something similar out of finding these individuals," she said. "But now I know... I can't do it alone. Strange as it is, I think Armitage is the best person to help me with this."

"What?" asked Poe. "You sure that's a good idea?"

"Would you rather he come back to Ajan Kloss and we deal with him there?" she pointed out, shrugging. It sounded like a bit of a threat, sure, but it was more of a warning, if they even wanted more on their plate.

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