Note againnn

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-I'm already working on the next part, but I'm a little busy this week, expect Friday, the weekend and Monday probably, so I have time Lol
-Anyways, I cant believe I'm at 5k reads it's crazyyy, I already know this story is kinda flopping. In the future I wanna edit this whole thing but that would take a long time, but I don't think it's bad
-Also I created a new book, which I will not review the name right now but after I finish this story I probably will do that one
-I was planning on doing "someone" x reader, but instead I'm doing another Reddie story. A "better" one, I'm kinda planning a lot before it so I know where I'm going. But yeah, I hope after I finish this story you will check it out
- I have tons of ideas so far for it, I can say it's more realistic if that makes sense
-What I mean is, there is more to them as normal teens, and not things like Eddie's crazy mom trapping her son in a basement 😂
-I don't even know if I wanna add school into the next book, I'll think about it. If it's a good idea
-Back to my story right now, "US"
I think I might have 5 more parts, maybe less but I doubt it or who knows it could be 5. And I hate not posting my story but I don't wanna fail French class and it's not even going good so far, I hate it
Writing makes me more relaxed I guess, well anyways I better go to sleep so I can at least have knowledge in my brain tomorrow
-I will probably post the next part, tomorrow, or the next day
-I also wanna say I love when you guys comment, it really makes me happy
-Goodnight guysssss

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