ONE: Introductions

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"You know.. They say all it takes is one Bad day to drive even the sanest man to lunacy.. Funny."

*13 Years Ago*



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There she was...

Her fragile 5 year old body floating face down in the middle of the bathtub. Her beautiful light gray curls spread across the clear water. What kind of child would want to take a bath with no bubbles?

I honestly don't know what to do.. She's dead. Tears threaten to spill down my face as I take a step towards her. I slowly make my way over to her. As each step was being taken, flashbacks of her smiles and giggles replay in my mind like a loop. Taking an unsteady breath, I stand in front of the bathtub. Reaching my hand out, I notice an uncontrollable trembling movement.

The water was luke warm. I use both my hands to grab her small body around her stomach. She didn't wine about me touching her soft spot like she normally does. She didn't wiggle around in my arms nor proclaim a large pout on her face.

Why were her eyes open?

I stood up, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. I remember when she slipped up and called me her mommy moments before I just left. I was her sister. Did I deserve such an innocent angel? I wasn't the one who birthed her, and although I'm a child myself, I felt she deserved to be taken care of by some kind of female role model.

All my efforts, all my strain - gone down the drain. Vanished.

I turn my mouth up to portray a smile. Her lifeless eyes would be the last to see such fondness across my face. I run my hand over her eyelids to close them. My face bore stone cold within milliseconds.

I made my way toward his door. Surely he knew she was dead. The door was already cracked. Thinking nothing of it, I pushed my way inside with one hand, quickly wishing I hadn't. His body was sprawled out on the bed like a starfish.

My eyes couldn't snatch away from the sight of his own penis lodged in his mouth. I noticed the trickle of blood that streamed down the left side of his face. His right side showed a dark hue of purple that contrasted onto his brown skin. His brown hair with the same gray patch in his head, which was identical to mine, was now tossed about. Something bubbled inside my stomach. There is was... Something so.. Impractical.. I almost shook my head at the thought.

Then, it erupted..


A laugh so uncontainable, I could stop. Look at me... A girl with a dead child on her hip staring at her distorted deceased father. His eyes were bulged-as if he died choking on his own body part. I noticed the trickle of blood along his face. However, it seemed like nothing compared to the pool of blood coming from his private place and his chest. His fingers were cut up, all but one on each hand. His left hand still held his fourth finger with a missing ring, and his right held his index. His body was completely naked as it was stretched vertically along his side of the bed. The sight was horrific.

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