Aaliyah POV
"Nice room". my eyes scanned the poster covered walls. "thanks", he said as he sat down in the chair adjacent to the desk.
A majority of the walls were covered with band poster , and Spider-man posters. I laugh as the though of a teenage boys room entered my mind.
"What?". A smirk spread across this mouth, catching a slight smile.
"Nothing " I say too quickly. I feel my checks grow red with embarrassment.
He raises his eyebrow at me before looking away. the room goes slient, as the awkward moment eats away at me. I can't take the silents, no even when I'm home by myself. I always have to have music or something playing.
Before I know it, words spill from my lips, "it's just u have Spider-Man on ur wall, when obviously bat man would whoop Spider-Man's ass"
He pauses for a moment as if he is considering responding.
"Is that right", his eyebrows raised once again. "just simply facts", I say turning around to face the walL that's was too my back.
My eyes find a picture of him,smiling. A girl is next to him kissing his cheek. they look happy. Relationship goals. it's good he has a girlfriend , even if it's not me , even thou I have no possible chance with a guy as attractive , and old as he is.
Theo POV
I look at her as she examined my poster covered walls. she looked so amazed at all the Spider-Man posters. I kind if got the hint she was a batman fan from her shirt, the hugged her body tightly. her frame I small and she looks fragile, but strong in her self at the same time. I can tell she has a thing for me, by the way she stiffens, when Im close to her. She is attractive , very attractive might I say, by I look at her in a playful way. Just messing with her mind, I'm way to old to get caught up in a teenage distraction. Besides I have a girl, scratch that a women, who loves me and I love her, I keep reminding myself. sometimes I question the whole relationship, but now is not the time to be worried about Vanessa. Time to have some fun. I get up and stand behind Aaliyah as she started at my wall. she stiffens when I speak like I expected. "well", I start. she is so still I wonder if she is still breathing. I smile at my self as I contiue. I never knew I could have this kind of effect on people, I just met. I didn't even have this effect on Vanessa when I first met her.
"I believe that Spider-Man would kick batmans ass anyday" I kind if whisper to sound seductive. she breath deeply, silently. I smirks to myself as I back away from her and back to my chair. I got her in the plan of my hand. if I wanted to, I could take her right her and right now, and she wouldn't even mind. Buy something about her seems different from any other teenage girl I have meet, or any girl I have meet at that. she seems more hard to get, like it will takes some work to get to her. I have to go through her mind instead of her pants. I don't have time for any of this. I just going to keep this at a friend basis. "If u say so", she said after she catches her breath. "everyone has there own opinion I guess ".
" I guess ur right", I smile at her and get up, headed to the door.
"Come on kid, I think dinners about ready", I say leading her out my room and into the dark hallway once again. oddly with everything that is different about her than the other girls on my mind.Aaliyah's POV
After dinner , we stay a little bit longer. theo invited me back up to his room to avoid conversation with the others. I am greatful, and nervous at the same time.
something about him just make me want to jump on him, every time I'm close to him, which is odd. I have never had this much self control ever.I sat on his bed this time while he remained in his chair.
he told me about how he planned to move out, and get his own place, and what it was like living here. I could somewhat relate. he briefly touched on his relationship with some girl. I felt bad for him, kind of.
just as I was about to respond, my mother called me to go. I said good bye while putting on my shoes and leaving. I walk into the dark hallway with him on my mind, and I'm not sure if he will ever leave.

Why do you even care? -Theo James Fanfic-
Genç KurguAaliyah sees Chris (Theo )almost all the time. There parents are very close along with their younger brothers. She has always had a thing for Chris (Theo) since the day she meet him, but has never entertained the idea, simply because she just turne...