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Song - I knew you were trouble (Taylor Swift)

Jin stood at the parking lot impatiently tapping away on the phone. Yoongi was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. After Jin's constant calls and messages, he finally responded with a 'on the way'.

Waiting without a timeline or reason annoyed him. It had always been a quirk of his that doesn't seem to fade with time. To worsen this, he was hungry. He mentally calculated the time it would take for them to go home, prepare the food, and eat. He groaned internally. He pulled out his phone again and texted.

Jinnie: I put vegetables in a blue Tupperware in the fridge. Can you and Jimin cut them up and stew them?

Tae: Yes, sir.

Jinnie: Chop the onions too. Into tiny bits.

Tae: Yes, chef.

Jinnie: If they are not ready when I'm home, I'd be pissed.

Tae: Oof. Hot.

Jinnie: I am extremely hungry.

Tae: Me too. 😉

Jin sighed and shoved the phone back in. When in need of food, his temper is always short. He checked the time again. How long was Yoongi going to take to come out!

He then heard someone call him out. He turned and saw the last face he wanted to see. Or maybe the last but one face on the not-today list.

"Aw look. Jinnie baby is alone here.", Wang cooed.

Jin rolled his eyes. "The fuck do you want?"

Wang flinched at the response. He clearly didn't expect Jin to retort. Yet, he continued, "I have been waiting for long to meet you."

"Understandable.", Jin replied as he relished in Wang's confusion.

"Heard you got yourself a boyfriend? Fucks you well?", Wang pressed on.

Jin deadpanned, "Hot as fuck. Way better than the old one."

Wang flinched again like he didn't expect this from Seokjin. The Seokjin he knew would be flustered, fumbling and stuttering at confrontation like this.

Well, sucks for him because hangry-Jin is not even close to the normal-Jin.

"Is it the same one? Frail, about yay-height?", Wang continued indicating Taehyung's height far less than what it is in reality.

Jin blew out air from his mouth audibly. "Definitely wasn't frail when he pinned me down last night."

"He what?", a voice rang. Not Wang's. Not a voice he'd ever want to hear again.

For a second, Jin slipped from his hanger-state. It had been more than a year since he heard that sweet poisonous voice.

Jin watched in silence, mouth slightly apart as he adjusted himself to not look weak, or slump in front of this figure.

"He did what?", the voice repeated again.

"Y-You aren't allowed to be here.", Jin said and was now pissed off with himself for stammering. He could see Wang smirk from the corner of his eyes.

Minho laughed. His sweet, sweet laughter. But Jin could tell the malice that laced it. Like thorns hidden beneath a bed of roses. "Really?"

Jin looked from Wang to Minho. He was sure as per some clause, Minho wasn't supposed to be here. Wasn't that why his last one year went fine?

"I love it when you've that confused pout.", Minho's chuckle rang through the empty parking lot again. Jin's pout turned into a frown when he noticed Minho inch towards him. "The clause said I cannot be on the premises of the B. H. Undergraduate University."

Remedy (TaeJin)Where stories live. Discover now