Chapter 2

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''Alright, see ya next time guys!'' Zak said as he left the men's changing rooms. He has just finished his basketball practice, and he was heading out of school to finally go home.
As Zak walked down the quiet hallway, he could hear his trainers gently pressing against the tiles, making an almost inaudible sound. He liked the silence of the school corridor, some may find it eery and unnatural, but it relaxed Zak. Suddenly, the silence was interrupted by some music echoing down the empty hall. Zak, the curious boy he is, investigated where the sound as coming from.
After a few moments of turning around looking into the classrooms, Zak came to the conclusion that someone was in the music room. As he got closer tot he music room, Zak slowly recognized the instrument and song being played. Someone was playing 'House of Wolves' on a electric guitar, and boy were they good! You'd think Ray Toro was playing that! Zak stood in front of the door of the music room, he peered inside and saw someone sitting in the left corner of the room, hovering over a white guitar as it was plugged in the speaker. Zak opened the door as quietly as he could, making sure the person playing didn't hear him. It appeared to be a dirty blond boy playing the instrument. He had a dark red sweater on, and black ripped jeans. Zak walked up to the person and then the boy tuned around, his face red with embarrassment. The boy had a pair of glasses on that were slowly sliding off the bridge of his nose.

''Oh, uhm, I never knew the room was being used today, I-I'll leave and let you do your thing-'' the boy said in a rushed voice. Zak's eyes lit up in amusement and shook his head and put his gym bag down beside the boy's chair.
''No, don't go, I'm just coming back from a basketball practice and I heard you play on the guitar! It was really good- Oh wait, weren't you playing House of Wolves by My Chemical Romance?'' Zak asked. The boy readjusted his glasses and looked at Zak, he looked a bit shocked, but then his expression relaxed. ''Oh, yeah, you've heard of them?'' the boy asked. Zak only nodded in reply and gave the boy a huge smile. ''Yep! Their music is so cool! Do you know their albums? Which is your favorite?''

Zak pulled a chair closer to the boy, and sat down, listening to the boy's answer, Zak then gave his opinion and they had a chat about the band.
''Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?'' the boy asked. Zak put the palm of his hand on his chin and leaned on it ''Zak,'' he replied. ''Zak Carder, and you?''
''I'm Darryl Noveschosch, pleasure to meet you,'' Darryl said with a smile. Zak smiled back then opened his mouth to ask another question.
''Mind if I join in?'' he said. Darryl looked a but confused. ''Can I join in with playing with you?'' Zak repeated and laughed. Darryl muttered a 'oh' then nodded his head. ''Great!'' Zak said as he got up and looked in the closet for a bass. Zak wanted to learn how to play the bass when he found out about MCR. He already knew how to play the ukulele, and he didn't want to learn new chords for 6 strings, so he thought the bass was his next best shot.
After rummaging around in the closet, Zak found a un-tuned bass. ''Oof, it might take a while to tune this, mind waiting?'' said Zak, Darryl only replied with ''Take your time.'' Zak could hear the warmth in his voice, Zak's heart seemed to skip a beat, but he continued to tune the instrument.

Zak finally got the bass tuned and asked Darryl what song he wanted to play. ''Hmm,'' Darryl thought, as he picked up the electric guitar. ''Oh! Can you play 'The sharpest lives' by My Chemical Romance?'
said Darryl. ''Oh my god, I love that song!'' Zak replied enthusiastically. ''Okay, on the count of three,'' Darryl started counting.
(Start playing the video linked at the start)

''Two, one two,''


Zak started to play the starting chord of the song on his bass, and Darryl started basing the guitar, and after the first intro ended, Darryl started playing his chorus. Zak was bewildered at Darryl's talent, and soon he started to fall in the rhythm of the song as well. Zak couldn't help but look at how Darryl was playing the guitar, his fingers seemed to catch every chord perfectly, and they switched without touching a single string, not interrupting the sound the instrument made. Zak also noticed that Darryl's hands looked a bit uncomfortable as he held the guitar, there's another question to start a conversation! The two boys continued to play, then the last riff came, and Zak ended the song with his bass.

''Wow! You play really well!'' To Zak's surprise, Darryl actually was the first to talk. Zak felt his cheeks heat up at the praise and he smiled, ''Thanks! You're not so bad yourself!'' Zak replied happily.
''But, I noticed that you looked a bit uncomfortable while playing,'' Zak said.
 ''Oh, yeah, this actually isn't my guitar,I just found it laying around here because I didn't bring mine, so I guess I'm just not used to holding it as I am at holding my guitar,'' Darryl said in a smile, he looked over that the clock that was located above the door of the class room. ''Oh shoot, I have to head on,'' he said in a bit of a panic-y tone. Zak looked at the clock and realized he had to get going as well. ''Oh me too, aaAAAah, I lost track of time'' Zak said though a voice crack. Darryl giggled and put away the electric guitar into he closet. Zak done the same with his bass and put back both of the chairs to their assigned desks.
''Before you leave, uh, can I have your phone number?'' Zak asked. Darryl zipped up his bag and looked at Zak as his cheeks flushed into a light shade of pink. ''Uhm, sure!'' Darryl replied, Zak felt relived that the boy didn't deny his offer and didn't take him for a creep.
Darryl reached for his phone in his pocket and dictated Zak his phone number. As soon as Zak made the contact, Darryl threw his bag on his back and headed for the door, ''See you around school,'' Darryl said as he smiled. ''You too!'' Zak replied smiling back.

Zak watched Darryl leave the room, and his heart felt warm inside. He was in a really good mood. Not only after his basketball practice with his friends, but he also found a person with the same interest in music as him. Zak picked up his gym bag and reached for the door handle, he opened the door and walked out, hearing the same quiet noise of the empty hallway.

(1185 Words)

In love with your Song // Skephalo + Dream6d (High School Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now