Chapter 9

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''One, two, three!''

(Play video above, Darryl is the one playing on top and middle, Vincent is the one playing on bottom.)

Darryl started to strum the strings on his guitar, and so did Vincent. The sound of the two guitars over powered Zak's bass, but you could still hear Zak pluck away at the strings if you pay close attention. Clay was sitting on a desk near them, his feet were barely off the ground, and his hands were leaned on the table, keeping him steady. He was slightly moving his head left to right to the beat of the melody, clearly enjoying how smooth the rhythm of the song was progressing.

(Skip to 2:13 in the video above, the one on the middle playing is Darryl.)

Darryl's solo came up, and he was rocking it. His fingers were pressed up against the metal strings more harshly than usual because of more people watching his performance. As the solo progressed, Darryl felt himself starting to hold his breath, as though this solo mattered if he was going to live or not. His fingers were starting to become sore, and Darryl could almost see the indents of the metal in his skin, but he continued to play. This was the first time, ever, that Darryl tried to play a song this perfectly. He would hate to slip up and embarrass himself in front of two new strangers. In front of two new strangers who seemed close to Zak. And that's exactly what happened. As soon as the solo was over, Darryl accidentally put his finger too close to the incorrect fret of the chord, and the guitar made a off-tone sound. But before anyone could notice, Darryl quickly moved his finger back tot he correct fret, and continued to play perfectly.

Darryl strum the last chord of the song, and then stopped playing. He looked up from his guitar, and saw that Vincent smiling at him. His face flushed up into a light shade of pink. ''That was surprisingly good,'' Vincent said.
''Told ya! Now you don't have to tease me anymore,'' Zak said happily as he placed his bass on the table. A smile was plastered on the shorter boy's face. Darryl turned to Zak with a confused look spread out on his face. ''Wait what?'' He asked. Zak's facial expression changed in a matter of seconds, it went from 'haha, proved you wrong.' to 'oh crap'. Clay snickered underneath his breath as Zak tried to compile an answer. ''Well, uh-''
''He told us all about this mysterious boy in the music room who can play the guitar.'' Vincent replied calmly, but Darryl wasn't as calm as the boy. His eyes opened slightly at the news, and he could feel embarrassment fill his stomach.
''Why would you do that?-'' Darryl asked desperately.
''I wasn't saying anything bad!'' Zak replied.
''Oh so you're admitting it? Thought you would try prove Vin wrong,'' Clay added once more.

''Oh shut up Clay,'' Vincent said as he turned to the boy, who now had both of his legs on the table. ''Oh, so I can't talk now?'' Clay replied teasingly as he leaned in Vincent's direction.
''You know what, this is a time where you should keep your sassy remarks to yourself-''
''How was I being sassy?''
''I- ugh, just, the last time you made a comment I swear to God I would have slapped you if I had the energy,'' Vincent replied, Clay just chuckled then pulled out his phone, totally ignoring Zak and Darryl looking at them, both of them confused and distraught at the situation. He looked at his device then he stood up from the table, walking over to Vincent who has a slightly annoyed expression on his face. ''Me and Vincent are gonna go now, the last bus leaves in 10 minutes.'' He said as he beckoned his thumb to the door behind him. ''Wait, what?'' Vincent said, his tone now normal, his annoyance eased. ''Go put your guitar away we are going now,'' Clay said. Zak opened his mouth to protest ''But you just got here!'' He whined. Darryl just stayed silent, keeping his gaze on Zak.
''But I don't even-'' Vincent started but he got interrupted by Clay once more. ''Ababap,'' he said as he put his hand up, palm facing Vincent. The shorter boy just groaned and unplugged the guitar. He walked over to the instrument closet, he gently placed the guitar back in its place.
''You're just gonna leave like that?'' Zak asked in a whine. Clay just put his hand to the door and stepped out, Vincent slowly trailing behind him. Before Vincent left, he turned back to Zak, and mouthed something Darryl couldn't quite make out, but clearly Zak did. His cheeks blew up into a light shade of pink, and he aggressively exhaled.

Vincent left, the door made a small clicking noise as it closed shut. Darryl still hasn't said a thing, he had kept silent. Zak felt like he upset the taller boy, but Darryl was just confused, he has no idea what to do or what to say. Had Zak really been talking positively about him? If so what did he say? What does Zak think of him? These thoughts rushed through Darryl's mind as he blankly stared at the ground, his facial expression was fustrated.
The silence between the two boys dragged on for a few seconds, before Zak broke it with a sigh.
''You probably see me as a creep now, I just-'' Zak stopped when he looked into Darryl's eyes. Darryl quickly looked away and exhaled. ''It's alright,'' Darryl turned away. He unplugged his guitar, and he zipped open his guitar case, ''It was just unexpected, that's all.''
Zak was a surprised at how quickly Darryl changed his mood. He went from embarrassed, to frustrated, to calm. Darryl turned off the speaker, and he grabbed his bag, putting it on his back, then he grabbed his guitar case with is free hand. ''I'm going to head on as well,'' Darryl said. Zak suddenly blurt out, ''We can walk home together?''
Darryl looked at Zak and said, ''What if we live in the opposite directions?''
''We probably don't, considering this school is literally in the country-side and the houses are in the town,'' Zak said, basically pleading to tag along with Darryl. The other boy thought for a second, before replying. ''Whatever suits you, muffin.'' Zak's face heated up once more at Darryl's sentence. His blush was deeper than the one he has plastered on his face when Vincent mouthed something to him. Zak still was amused by this situation.
''Muffin?'' Zak asked in amusement. Darryl suddenly stopped in his tracks, and he felt a wave of embarrassment rush through him. He turned to Zak, his face also becoming red. He made a 'Uhhh' sound, but then Zak giggled. ''And you're the one calling me goofy!'' He said as he grabbed his bag from the ground. He grabbed his bass, and shoved it in the instrument closet then closing it. He turned to Darryl and started to walk to the door of the classroom. Zak heard Darryl slowly walk behind him. He opened the door and walked into the empty hallway.

Zak put his hands up above his head, then linking them behind his neck.
''It's weird, huh?'' Zak said.
''What is?'' Darryl replied, wondering what he meant. ''Like, how these halls are always so loud n noisy with kids, but a few minutes later they're so quiet and calm. It's weird but cool.'' Zak let out a chuckle at the last part, which caused Darryl to smile. ''Yeah, it is pretty cool.'' Darryl said, his smile wasn't fading anytime soon, he knew that for a fact.

(1293 Words)

In love with your Song // Skephalo + Dream6d (High School Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now