Chapter 13

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The two of them walked into the back garden. Zak put his hand in his pocket and took out his house key then he put it in the lock. Darryl looked around,  the garden was small, but it has enough room for someone to it down in a lawn chair and relax on a sunny day. 
Zak pulled open the door, and then looked back at Darryl. ''Come in!'' he said with a smile then the both of them stepped inside.
Zak's house wasn't the cleanest, but it also wasn't the dirtiest. A few plates were sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting for someone to wash them. Zak looked back at Darryl, ''Sorry for the mess,'' he started as his cheeks slightly flushed red.
''No it's alright,'' Darryl answered back and then giving the shorter boy a reassuring smile. Zak nodded back and then told the older boy to follow him upstairs to his room.

Darryl walked up the staircase behind Zak, he noticed some framed photos on the wall as he passed it. He stopped for a moment to take a look at it, then he realized at what he was looking at. 
''Aww Zak, this photo is adorable!'' Darryl said as he slightly turned his head to his side, not taking his eyes off the picture. Zak turned around in confusion, but then his face flushed red in embarrassment. The photo was him, when he was around 8, holding a light blue ukulele. 
''That picture is suuper old,'' he replied, trying to push Darryl away from the photo, ''I don't know why my mom still has it up, I don't even play the ukulele that much anymore.'' He finished with a sigh. 
''Look at your hair, it spiked up everywhere!'' Darryl giggled as he gently put his finger on the thin glass. 
''oKAY MY ROOM IS THIS WAY-'' Zak said as he grabbed Darryl's arm and pulled him away. Darryl  blushed at the sudden action, but he didn't pull away. Zak opened the door to his room and then let go of Darryl, his face also red from embarrassment. 

Surprisingly, Zak's room was cleaner than he expected. The walls were painted dark blue, and some fairy lights were taped to the walls, probably there as an replacement for actual LED lights.
There was a dresser with a TV standing on it, with what looked like it was plugged into some sort of console.
There was a desk and a computer chair in the corner of the room, with a black bass leaned against it. Zak's bed was right up against the wall, with his closet sitting at the bottom of it. There was also a small speaker set beside the entrance of the door.
Zak walked into the room and then plopped down on the bed, and then sighed. Darryl awkwardly stood at the door, until Zak spoke up, ''Y'know you can sit down, right?'' He chuckled.
''Oh, uh yeah.'' Darryl replied as he sat down at the computer desk and spun the chair around to face Zak. ''Your room is, nice.'' Darryl said as he looked around. Zak just hummed in response and leaned his back and head up against the wall. Yet another silence fell between them. 
''Soo.. Wanna play something on the Wii?'' Zak finally asked
''You have a Wii?''


''Come on-'' Darryl muttered underneath his breath as he tightened the grip on the Wii controller, he was spamming the A button over and over again, hoping that would help his character go faster, but it didn't work.
''YES!'' Zak exclaimed in joy as he lifted his arms up in the air, letting go of the Wii controller, it dangled on his wrist with the strap being the only thing that's stopping it from falling directly onto Zak's head. Zak laughed mischievously and gently put his head back. On the other hand, Darryl slouched over and sighed irretrievably. 
''HAH, I won 4-1, you're such a noob at Mario Kart!'' Zak laughed. Darryl groaned in response. ''Aw come on, don't be like that,'' Zak said, then put his hand on Darryl's shoulder. Darryl just lifted his head up and looked at Zak with a pout. The younger boy couldn't help but smile at the other boy's reaction, he just looked so cute!
Zak's face suddenly flushed red, and he snapped his hand back to his side and looked away, giggling nervously. 

''Do you want to play another round?'' Zak asked, as trying to get the blush off his face. 
''NO, I mean- Not really.'' Darryl said, wanting to hide his annoyance but failing miserably.
Zak chuckled and then stood up from the ground to turn off the Wii. Darryl also stood up, only to then sit down again but this time on Zak's bed. He looked out the window beside Zak's desk, and the sun was slowly setting, the sky getting darker and darker by every passing second. Darryl slowly started to gaze off into nothing, but then he felt someone else sit down beside him. He turned his head to find Zak laying down on his back, his eyes closed, arms under his head. Darryl wanted to look away but he couldn't, his cheeks started to heat up. The setting sun's light hit Zak's face perfectly, making a lighter gradient on his dark skin. His hair was very poofy and it looked so soft, and his lips-

Darryl blushed even harder, and as much as he didn't want to, he snapped his head away from Zak, looking out the window again. 
''Hey Darryl?'' Zak asked softly. Darryl tensed up, but didn't look away from the window. 
''Y-yeah?'' He stuttered. 
Then he felt Zak turn to face Darryl. ''I can trust you, right,'' he said.
Darryl looked at Zak, his face still slightly red. ''Yes, of course. Why do you ask?'' Darryl replied, slightly confused. Zak looked a bit conflicted in how own mind, like he was debating whether or not to change the subject or continue the conversation he had started. 
''So, uh, I've never told anyone this before.'' Zak said as he sat up, his legs crossed. Darryl then turned his body to face Zak, giving him a face that said 'go on.
''I did some reading online and, I think I might have Monophobia.'' He finished while looking away. Darryl gave him a confused look. ''Oh,'' he replied. ''What is the phobia about?'' Darryl asked.
''Well, it has ties to uh, anxiety, I guess.'' Zak shifted a bit, but still continued, ''It's the fear of being left alone, but like alone for a long time,'' he said. 
Darryl just stared at Zak for a moment, thinking of what he could say, he definitely didn't expect this. 
 ''Oh Zak,'' Darryl didn't really know what exactly to say, but he had to be supportive. ''What ever happens, I won't leave you alone, if you ever feel like you're very scared and I'm not around, just call me, I always have my phone on hand.'' He said softly, looking into Zak's eyes, meaning every word he said. 

Even though what Darryl said wouldn't mean much to the average person, for Zak, these words meant so much more to him. His cheeks flushed up and he relaxed his shoulders. Tears swelled up in Zak's eyes, but he didn't escape Darryl's gaze. Darryl started a panic when he noticed that Zak was tearing up. 
''Oh my goodness, did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I-'' Darryl started to frantically stumble over his words, but Zak cut him off with a hug before he could continue. Darryl blushed at the sudden embrace, he was tense for a moment, but then he relaxed into the hug, putting his chin on top of Zak's fluffy hair, and then put his arms around Zak's shoulders. 
Zak sighed into Darryl's shoulder and then smiled. ''You're such an amazing person, Darryl, honestly.'' Zak said as he pulled away from Darryl. They both still stayed close to each other, basically feeling the others breath on their lips. Zak could see that Darryl was clearly flushed, his face was bright red, but they didn't break eye contact.

Zak's dark, stern gaze was locked onto Darryl's as he stared into his emerald eyes. He then broke the contact, his eyes admiring the features of Darryl's face he hadn't noticed before, such as how his cheeks and the bridge of his nose were lightly dotted with freckled, or how soft his lips looked.
A quiet "Fuck it," escaped from Zak's mouth as he closed off the gap between them, his eyes fluttering shut. He sat there for a moment, taking everything in. Darryl, on the other hand, was surprised, also getting used everything. Soon, though, his eyes shut as well, absorbed in the intimate contact. Zak kept it short and sweet, quick to pull away with a few soft pants. His eyes met Darryl's again as a soft smile formed on his lips. Darryl stared back with wide, excited eyes as a smile formed on his, too. 

''I think I might like you,'' Zak breathed out.

''I think I might like you too.'' Darryl replied.




thank you so much for reading, i really hope you enjoyed this! im sorry for the very slow updates, (cough cough it took me 2 months to finish chapter 11 hh)

anyways- imma start writing the dream6d prequel now, keep an eye out for that!

of and before im done, special thanks to 

JustAnOkayGay for helping me finish writing this chapter and keeping me motivated to finish it! follow them now or die tmrw

anyways, that was ILWYS, hope yall have a good day/night 

~neil <3

In love with your Song // Skephalo + Dream6d (High School Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now