Chapter 7

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I know I don't normally do author's notes, but I feel like I must for this chapter just to clear things up.
Dave - Technoblade
Jacob - Zelkem
George - Spifey
Hope this clears some confusion up for anyone who was unfamiliar with their names, please enjoy this chapter!


Zak grabbed a cup from the kitchen counter and started to fill it with hot boiling water. After the cup was filled to the brim, he plopped in a green-tea tea bag and carefully placed the cup on the dining table, making sure not the touch the warm parts of the cup. He sat down and blew on his tea, hoping it would cool down faster. Zak grabbed his phone and unlocked it to see a notification, it read

Darryl N ^^
'Here's my discord :p

Zak smiled at the notification, then copied the message. He opened discord and searched the username. Zak laughed internally at the name, it didn't match Darryl at all, instead of a 'bad boy' he seemed like more of a 'soft boy'. Eventually, a message popped up saying 'BadBoyHalo accepted your friend request'
Zak looked at the boy's icon, it was a minecraft skin. It had black skin, a red and black hoodie and white eyes. Zak smiled once more and began to type.

'that a cretaive name'

'thanks' :D

'i was being sarcastic XD'

'oh >:('

Zak giggled at Darryl's reaction to his comment. Zak put down his phone and checked if his tea had cooled down, and it did. He took a sip and leaned back in his chair, it creaked at the movement. He stared at the wall facing him and recalled what happened a few hours ago. He smiled and cringed at some of his past actions, then he suddenly remembered the recording he made. He immediately sat up on his chair and grabbed his phone. He went into the gallery app and looked for the recording. It was there, and it was 3 minutes long. Zak pressed the play button and watched the screen hopefully as the video loaded. After a few heartbeats of silence, a loud guitar strum filled the quiet room. Zak looked at Darryl in the recording, then at himself. An idea suddenly struck into Zak's mind like a bolt of lightning. Excitement filled his stomach, as he pressed the 'send' button.


Zak sat down in his assigned seat and took out his Chemistry notes. As much as he hated the Chemistry, he was getting surprisingly high grades for this class. Normally, he would get C's and D's, but to everyone's surprise, he would get B's and sometimes A's in Chemistry. The teacher walked in the classroom, her heels clicked as she walked, ending the loud chatter of his classmates, shortly, the teacher began the lesson. 
Zak would start to day dream in the middle of the teacher explaining different things about compounds and elements, it bored him to the core. Before Zak could even snap out of his daydream, a crumbled note landed on Zak's desk. He looked around the classroom, looking for the person who threw it, and he saw his classmate, George, smiling at him, then pointing at the paper. 

George and Zak became friends from meeting different people, let me explain. So Dave, Zak's close friend, knew this boy called Jacob, and Jacob knew George, and they all met at a party Dave and his band were playing at. George knew how to play the bass, just like Zak did, so they immediately bonded. Zak uncrumbled the note carefully and read what it said 'what cha thinking bout? :p' Zak smiled at the little face George drew, and he grabbed his pen and clicked it to write reply. 
'just trying my best not to fall asleep. this is so boring! >:(' he wrote. He crumbled the paper back to its original shape, and waited until the teacher was turned around. When the teacher was writing something on the board, Zak threw the note. It landed at Georges feet, and Zak just looked at George apologetically. George picked the note up, but as soon as he got the paper to the desk, the teacher was staring the boy down. ''Hand me the note, George.'' The teacher said in a stern voice. George glanced at Zak then at the teacher. ''Miss, I was taking notes and I messed up, so I crumbled it and started a new page. I just dropped it.'' George replied with his British accent, the teacher looked over at his desk, and glared at George, with a cold look in her eye and the said, ''If this is rubbish, I'll throw this out for you.'' She said as she took the note from George's hand and flung the page in the bin, then went back to the lecture. George beamed a cold look at Zak, and he just gazed back apologetically, then returning his focus to the lesson.

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