Chapter 8

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Darryl plugged in his guitar, and sighed. He had waited for 10 minutes for Zak to show up, and he eventually came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming, so he started to play by himself. He had an urge to play the last bridge of Mama by MCR, but he always played it, so he tried to remember other tabs for other songs he enjoyed. He couldn't think of any, and just gave in, and let his fingers strum against each string. He leaned back in his chair, as the sound of his guitar filled the quiet room. He repeated the bridge twice, then he decided to play the full song.
He stood up, and started to play, finally starting to feel the rhythm of the song. As he got to the chorus, his fingers started to feel the metal strings slowly start to pierce his skin, but he ignored the pain, he knew he was just getting started. He got to the last bridge, and when he played his last strum, he heard someone behind him exhale with a smile. He turned his head around and saw Zak, smiling at him, and two other figured behind him. Darryl's face heated up and he could feel the tips of his ears go red.
 Darryl glanced at the two boys behind Zak. One of them was short, but slightly taller than Zak, his hair was a hazelnut brown shade, and his skin was very pale, with a few freckles scattered along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He had a black sweater on, it was similar to Darryl's, so he figured the sweaters were made by the same brand. He also had one of the rubber bracelets you'd get for one dollar. As for the other boy, he was much, much, taller than Zak and even himself. He had dirty blonde hair that grew up past his ears, some hair strands were covering his eyes. He was wearing a green long sleeve shirt, with a black hoodie wrapped around his waist which overlapped his black dark, almost black, navy jeans.
 'How long had they been there?' Darryl thought nervously as he looked away, embarrassed, 'I thought he wasn't going to come!' Darryl was so embarrassed that no words came out of his mouth he just looked at Zak, then the two boys that were behind him. He started to feel his hands slightly tremble. 
Zak noticed how shaken the boy was and opened his mouth to try and calm Darryl down by giving him an explanation. ''So, hi Darryl,'' Zak inhaled and turned to look at the figures behind him, ''Sorry I'm late, I wanted to get these two idiots over here to play with us but they forgot and were half way to the bus stop, so I had to run after them!'' He said in an annoyed tone as he turned back to Darryl. 

Darryl held his guitar closer to his chest, and only muttered an 'oh', still embarrassed. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose,and looked over at the two boys. ''Hello,'' the shorter male said through a thick french accent, ''I'm Vincent, nice to finally meet cha,'' He said as walked over to Darryl and raised his hand. Darryl put his guitar on the table next to him and shook the hand while looking down, trying not to make eye contact with the boy, but still trying to seem friendly.
 'What does he mean by 'finally meat cha'?' Darryl questioned himself anxiously, but before any other thought could rush into his head, the other taller boy started to speak. ''Sup, I'm Clay but I think we've already met before?'' the other boy asked. Darryl looked up, and took a look at the boy's face as Vincent returned to his spot closer to Clay. He knew he recognized him, but wasn't sure from where. ''Oh, uhm, I do recognize you, but I'm not sure from where..'' Darryl said in a quiet voice. Thankfully, Clay had heard him and opened his mouth in reply, ''Oh yeah,uh we have the same Physics class,'' Clay said as he put his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 
''Oh,'' Darryl replied and he looked down on the ground again, he could feel his cheeks start to cool down, but he was still feeling a bit unnerved by the sudden arrival of two strangers he'd never met up until now. The room was filled with an awkward silence for a few heart beats, but then it got disturbed by a loud clap. 
''Instead of just standing around, how about we play something?'' Zak asked. Clay looked at him, then at Vincent. Vincent just grinned, and Clay looked at Darryl. ''Only if it's okay with him I guess,'' Darryl felt his cheeks heat up once more, he hated being put on the spot. ''O-okay..'' Darryl said through a trembling voice. He looked up at Zak, and saw him smiling at Darryl. He started to relax and gave back a small smile back. Zak turned to his two friends and pointed to the instrument closet, he explained that the guitars and other instruments were there. 
''I just realized I should pass on playing today,'' Clay said. Zak looked at him with a questioning gaze. ''Wait, why? I ran after you for nothing?'' Zak said, starting to get annoyed. Clay shook his head then said, ''Do you see any drum sets here?'' He asked, Zak then looked around the room, and then groaned. ''uGHGHGHhghgh,'' he said though a voice crack, ''I forgot, I'm so stupid,'' Zak sighed. Clay came over to him and bent down, it seemed like he was about to put his hand on Zak's shoulder, but instead he flicked Zak across for forehead. Zak stepped away in shock and put his hands over his forehead, rubbing it in pain. Darryl put his hand over his mouth, and tried not to laugh, but failed, and he giggled at the boys' goofy behavior. Zak stomped off and grabbed his bass from the instrument closet. He pulled a chair over closer to Darryl and the speaker, and sat down. He plugged the bass in the speaker, and looked over to Darryl. 
''They're crackheads, but they're nice,'' Zak whispered to Darryl, who he just giggled back in response.

''Found one!'' Darryl heard Vincent say from across the room. Vincent slowly pulled out the same white guitar that he had played the first day he want to the music room. Vincent held it tight, and then strum the strings, surprisingly, the guitar was still tuned. ''Wow, it's tuned,'' Vincent said in surprise, ''I'm glad that it is, I really can't tune guitars,'' He said with a goofy smile, Darryl just looked down at his own guitar, and gripped the bridge of it. He was still feeling very, very awkward at the whole situation.  ''Okay!'' Zak said in a loud tone, so everyone in the room could hear him clearly, ''Since we are ready n' all that jazz, let's play!'' Zak said with his bass in hand. 
Vincent quickly walked over to the two boys, and plugged in his guitar. ''Right, but what are we playing?'' He asked. Zak hummed in thought, as he looked down on the floor below him, and before Zak could think of any song, Clay then spoke up. ''Why not ask Darryl?'' Clay said as he made eye contact with him. Darryl's cheeks flushed red, he could feel an anxious feeling in his stomach. He hated being put on the spot. ''Uhm..'' Darryl said quietly. He knew if he said anything he would stutter. 'Why do I have to be so awkward?'
Thankfully, Vincent noticed how uncomfortable Darryl was getting and interrupted him before Darryl turned into a big pile of nerves. ''Well, we could do a vote? I know Zak has thought of one song because he looks excited already.'' Vincent said as he sighed, looking at the boy in front of him. Zak was already holding a chord on the bridge of his bass, his free hand was tapping softly on the bass' side. Zak just smiled, and then spoke up. ''That is a nice idea, right I vote NaNaNa,'' He said happily.  
''Really?'' Vincent said as his lips turned into a straight, thin line. Zak looked at his friend and pouted. 
''Yeah? I love that song,'' Zak replied.
''I know that,'' Vincent said as he sighed, 
''You won't stop humming it at lunch,'' Clay added sarcastically. Zak pouted like a child and huffed, Darryl started to relax, and exhaled softy with a smile at Zak's goofiness. ''Don't call me out like that,'' Zak said and Clay chuckled. 
''Okay, so who wants to chime in and give us a different song to vote for?'' Vincent said. Darryl looked down on the ground, trying to avoid eye contact. After a few seconds of silence, Vincent hummed and then began to suggest some songs. ''Well, I have a few, there's Pump More Life by Solence, Heaven, also by Solence and maybe Sleep by My Chemical Romance?'' Darryl looked up at Vincent and then his eyes filled with excitement. ''Oh my goodness, you listen to Solence?'' Darryl asked.
Vincent's eyes shone as well ad he replied, ''Do you?''
''I thought I was the only one!'' Darryl replied as he smiled, all his nervousness was overlapped by excitement. 
''Oh, I really like Death Do Us Part it-'' but before Vincent could have finished his sentence, Clay interrupted him with a annoyed groan. ''What?'' Vincent asked with a whine. 
''You're gonna geek out again, nerd,'' Clay said jokingly as he smirked. Vincent let out a over exaggerated gasp and kicked Clay in the shin. Clay grabbed his leg and his face scrunched up in pain. ''That's the second time today! What the hell!'' Clay yelped and Vincent just snickered.
Zak sighed and looked at Darryl with an apologetic look on his face, and then it turned to annoyance.  Zak then snapped his head back to the two boys who were now slowly starting to argue.
''Guys, we came here to play, not to witness another lovers quarrel.'' he groaned. As soon as Zak finished his sentence, Vincent gave Zak a angry look, his cheeks red and eyes wide with embarrassment. Clay just looked at Zak, his cheeks also turning a pink shade. Darryl just smiled to himself as he grabbed his guitar and sat back down in his chair, leaning back on the back of the chair. Vincent huffed and then looked at Clay. ''Wanna vote?'' he asked. Clay put his hand on his chin, his elbow leaning on his thigh. ''Meh, I really don't mind since I'm not playing.'' Clay replied. Vincent gave him a quiet 'alright' and then he turned to Darryl. ''And you? What song do you wanna vote on?''
Darryl felt his cheeks heat up once again, then he looked over to Zak. His eyes were shining, basically begging Darryl to choose his song. Darryl turned back to Vincent, who was looking at him. He could feel his cheeks heat up even more at the spotlight being put on him. ''Um, playing NaNaNa would be nice..'' he said quietly. He heard Zak whisper a little 'Yes!' under his breath, and Vincent just smiled. ''Alright, NaNaNa it is!" Vincent said. ''Do you know the chords and tabs?''
Darryl nodded, and then he remembered he had to ask something before they played. ''What part do you wanna play?'' he asked Vincent. ''I don't mind any,'' he replied calmly with his french accent.
''Alright, can I do Frank's part?''
''Knock yourself out,'' Vincent smiled back. Darryl nodded and then he grabbed the first chord of the song. ''When your ready,'' Vincent said to Zak. ''Okay, one, two, three!''

(1973 Words)

In love with your Song // Skephalo + Dream6d (High School Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now