Chapter 11

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''No that's just stupid.'' Clay said sarcastically.
''You're just stupid.'' Vincent replied teasingly. 

The two boys have been bickering over something stupid again, and Darryl and Zak were just forced to watch, as always. Darryl has now made a habit of sitting with the boys at lunch, you could say they formed a strong bond with each other over the past few days. Chatting, laughing, and even play fighting, they're all checked it off the list. 
Vincent and Clay had recently admitted to dating, which, really was a funny experience for Darryl to watch unfold.

''How did I not figure this OuT?'' Zak said with a voice crack. Vincent just let got a small giggle and intertwined his fingers with Clay's. 
''Wasn't it obvious?'' Clay asked, amused.  Zak scratched the back of his head, trying to think.
''I mean, I heard Vincent call you honey once?'' he said. Vincent choked on air, and Clay let out a short wheeze, ''WhAAaT?'' Zak whined.
''And you didn't even think about the idea that they were dating?'' Darryl asked though a smile. Zak turned his head sharply to the taller boy and pouted, ''You're not helping.'' and he crossed his arms on the lunch table. 
Darryl turned his head to the two boys, and opened his mouth to ask, ''So how long have you two been dating again?'' he asked calmly. 
Clay thought for a second, but it was Vincent who replied, ''About, 8 months now?'' He said with an unsure tone and turned to look at Clay, who just nodded. ''Yeah 8 months.'' Clay finished. 
''UGhghghGH-'' Zak groaned as he placed his head on his arms, his groan was almost inaudible as he stuffed his face in his sleeves. Darryl couldn't help but laugh at his goofy behavior, he looked away from Zak and giggled. Zak lifted up his head so only his eyes were visible, hiding his cheeks and mouth, but a pink blush was clearly plastered on the boy's face. 
Out of no where, Zak sat up straight and looked at Clay and Vincent in realization, ''Hold on,'' he started, ''When I called Vincent that one day, and he was super sleepy and tired, I heard a voice with him, and when I asked about it he hung up,'' Darryl looked back at Zak, and then listened intently. ''Was that you, Clay?'' Zak finally finished.
Clay's cheeks flushed up and  he looked at Vincent, whose face matched the same color. 
''OH WOW,'' Zak exclaimed loudly as he leaned back in his chair. ''How can I be this duMB?'' He kicked his legs up and down underneath he table like a child. Darryl just burst out into a laughing fit, soon Clay and Vincent joined in. 
''STop lAUGHING AT mE-''

Darryl just took another bite out of his apple, and put his cheek on his free palm. Zak just exhaled loudly though his nose and leaned back in his chair. 
''What are they fighting about this time?'' Darryl asked as he chewed his apple. Zak looked over at the two boys, then back at Darryl, ''No idea, I wasn't listening.''
''Neither was I,'' Darryl replied. 
''Hasn't their fighting gotten worse?'' Zak asked as he put his elbows down on the table in front of him, not taking his eyes off Vincent and Clay. He leaned a bit closer to Darryl so the other boys won't hear his question. Darryl's cheeks started to flush pink as Zak's face inched closer to his, ''Uhm, I'm not sure, yet again I wasn't really paying attention.'' He said as he leaned back. Zak hummed in response and didn't move. Darryl tried to move to his left, away from Zak's face, but his elbow accidentally knocked over Zak's water bottle, it wobbled and then spilled a bit of water on his sweater's sleeve.

''Oh my muffins,'' Darryl said in an annoyed tone, and Zak leaned away from the boy, giving him space to pick up the water bottle. Zak just looked at the boy, as Darryl put the water bottle back in it's original spot and then he quickly rubbed his wet sleeve, hoping it would dry quicker. 
Zak titled his head slightly to the side and looked at Darryl, ''Y'know, I've always wondered,'' he said, curiosity filled his tone, ''Why do you always say 'muffins' all the time? I mean, I get it, it's your thing, but like why?''
Darryl stared at Zak, his face heating up, but then he looked away from Zak and then gazed down at his wet sleeve. ''It's kind of silly-'' 
''I don't care if it's silly, I wanna know,'' Zak cut in, accidentally sounding a bit harsh. Darryl looked Zak in the eye and then said, ''Promise you won't laugh?'' 
''Alright,'' Darryl shifted in his seat, ''So when I was younger, me and my mom would bake cakes and buns together, and I loved baking muffins. It was easy and quick.'' Zak nodded along with Darryl story, keeping quiet and listening closely. ''Well, I loved them so much I would randomly say 'muffin' in sentences, and it kind of evolved into a replacement for curses over the years.'' Darryl looked away, his cheeks heating up at the story he just told. Zak put his cheek on his palm.

''Aww, that's cute!'' He said as a smile crawled up his face. Darryl looked at Zak, as his face flushed up more. He lowered his head and a few strands of his hair fell over his eyes and glasses.
''No it isn't you muffin,'' Zak giggled at Darryl's flushed reply, he put his hand over his mouth as he tried to hide his giggles. 
When Zak finally stopped giggling, he looked up at Darryl and said,
''I like it.'' Darryl looked at Zak, a but confused. ''You do?'' 
''Yeah, it's unique! I haven't heard anyone else say, 'What the muffins' instead of what the fuck,'' Zak laughed. ''Hey, language.'' Darryl replied sternly and pouted at Zak's choice of words. Yet again, he wasn't wrong. Zak just looked up at Darryl and scrunched up his nose as he smiled. 
Darryl's cheeks flushed bright red, and he just looked away, his mind racing with thoughts.

Before Darryl's face could get any redder, Clay and Vincent had stopped their 'argument' and looked over at the two boys and then said, ''Okay so me and Vincent have been thinking,'' Clay started, catching Zak's and Darryl's attention, ''What if we all go hang out at my place after school today?'' 
Zak almost imminently replied with a 'yes' and he sat up in his chair, clearly excited, but Darryl wasn't so sure of his answer. 
Darryl hummed in thought but then replied, ''Sure, but I won't be able to stay for long.'' 
Clay just nodded, and Vincent smiled and leaned his head onto Clay's shoulder. 
Zak rolled his eyes, and Darryl just smiled at how cute the couple was.

''Alright so we're set, my place after school!''

(1147 Words)

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