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"Dong't worry, we have already fed you with some medicine. You and the child in your belly are all fine," said a face above hers, laughing cheerfully.

Pingting's suspended heart was put to rest as she looked up at the ceiling. It seemed to have been a long time since she had seen a ceiling. She spent so many days between rocks in the snow and felt that she would never see a ceiling again.

How nice, she had finally been rescued.

"Where is Zuiju? Yangfeng?" Pingting studied her surroundings.

"Who is Zuiju? Yangfeng?" A puzzled expression appeared on the square face before her. Not long later, he grinned and laughed again, "Oh, I know, you're talking about our Main General's wife. Geez Miss, you still haven't found the Main General's wife? It's been so long that even the horse have had their foals, yet you still haven't found them?"

He must be mistaken. Pingting puzzledly looked at that smile when suddenly, she remembered everything. She said, "You're that tall guy I met on the road to Petal College. You're A-Han."

"Hah, Miss remembers me now? That's me! A-Han! You gave me your horse and even left me money to marry a good wife." A-Han chuckled heartily. "Tell you what, I'm married now and expecting a little A-Han soon."

His hearty laughter shook the roof, causing the dust to fly off.

Pingting laughed as well before curiously asking, "Do you not know Zuiju? How did you know I was in the mountains?"

"Just luck. I went up on the mountains to catch some prey to strengthen my wife's body. A gray rabbit was pierced by my arrow yet ran around non-stop before disappearing into a rocky area. I went into look and geez, I saw no gray rabbit but a Miss who was nearly frozen to death." A-Han recounted the story with great vigour and joy.

"You saved me?"

"Of course, of course!" A-Han gestured, "I carried you down the snowy mountains, as well as my bow and the rabbit. Luckily, I have quite a bit of strength. You were really nearly frozen to death and only seemed slightly better after drinking heaps of wild rabbit soup. Heh, wild rabbit soup indeed strengthens the body. I also asked other people to bring some medicine that are good for fetuses and fed it to you. It was originally for my wife though."

Hearing his words, Pingting felt uneasy but immensely grateful.

"Sorry for causing so much trouble."

"Don't worry, my wife is very tough whether it be her skin or bones. The little A-Han she has inside is strong too, so I'm not afraid."

A-Han was proudly saying this when a woman wearing a bulky coat walked into the room. Her belly was protruding widely as she laughed, asking, "A-Han, are you talking to yourself again?"

"Hey, hey, Wife, the Miss is up!" He beckoned the woman over, smugly introducing them to Pingting. "This is my wife." He then pointed at her belly, gleefully saying, "This is little A-Han."

A-Han's wife shared her husband's enthusiasm. She smiled as he pinched his checks, "We've run out of firewood, go cut some more." She then turned to Pingting, "You're finally up, Miss. How could you climb the mountains in such cold weather? The Songsen Mountains stand no nonsense. Even men are afraid to go in winter. A-Han is an idiot, how dare he lie to me to go hunt a wild rabbit there."

She then rattled on about a bunch of other things. Perhaps it was because they had saved someone that she appeared to be very happy. She warmly looked at Pingting, "With just another chicken, your cheeks will recover the redness soon."

Yet Pingting was thinking something else.

Had the deadline of three days already passed?

What if the reinforcements had arrived but were unable to find her traces, meaning that Yangfeng and Zuiju would be worried to death?

But, the skies were still merciful and had allowed her and the child to survive.

Dear child, your life is blessed indeed.

Pingting gently stroked her lower abdomen. There was a bump, both soft and hard at the same time. She felt an indescribable sense of fulfilment inside her, the feeling of life.

"A-Han's Wife, I..."

"Are you hungry? I'll bring some food over."

"No, no," Pingting shook her head. A-Han's wife was indeed a very good match to A-Han, for she was as attentive to care as he was, "I want to hurry on my journey."

A-Han's wife widened her eyes. "Hurry on your journey? Where do you want to go like that? No, no, I'm still planning to prepare a chicken for you tomorrow."

"I have to go." Pingting lifted herself from the bed with her palms. "I must find Yangfeng and your Main General Ze Yin."

A-Han was chopping firewood outside and had strained his ears to hear the movement inside. At this moment, his head popped into the window view, as he shouted, "The Main General has gone to live in seclusion. Miss, you won't be able to find him. I heard that even the King cannot find him."

"No, I know where he is. I must hurry over. If they can't find me, they will definitely worry."

Yangfeng and Zuiju would definitely be very worried.

Midwinter was about to pass. Under the shining sun, icy water followed the small ridges, slowly trickling.

Perhaps the snow on the Songsen Mountains would melt the same way?

He Xia took out Yun Chang's Flag of Command, accompanied by his soldiers. In the morning assembly , under the gazes of the hundred officials, he solemnly returned the Flag with both hands. The war had ended and the rights to mobilise the army had been returned to Princess Yaotian.

Gui Changqing watched the Flag of Command in He Xia's hands amongst the crowd. He secretly sighed in relief when he saw that it had returned to the Princess' hands.

Yaotian's feelings towards He Xia were deep and if it hadn't been for the Senior Official's warning over and over again, she would have never sent an Order to take back the Flag.

"Is Prince Consort angry?"

The morning assembly had finished, and Yaotian studied the returned Flag of Command. Her heart was still a little perturbed. She hurriedly asked Luyi to bring He Xia over. Her heart was only settled a little when she saw her husband directly walking towards her.

He Xia was surprised, "Why would He Xia be angry?"

"Yaotian took back the Flag of Command."

He Xia hesitated for the slightest moment before cracking up into laughter. He looked helplessly and pityingly at Yaotian before shaking his head. "Why would Princess think that? We are husband and wife. Even if I am jealous of everyone in the world, I will never be jealous of my own wife." He then took a seat beside Yaotian and held her hand His expression suddenly became mysterious. He lowered his voice, "The Senior Official wished that Princess would soon have heirs. When will I have Princess' Order, so I may help achieve this?"

Yaotian also leaned forward. She had thought his whispering was because he had something important to say. She had been listening very carefully, only to realise this person was teasing her again. Her cheeks flushed red, and she tilted her head to one side, frowning. She scowled back, "It was just morning assembly, but Prince Consort is not being serious again. If the Senior Official knew, he'd scowl at you for a long time."

"Princess' words are not quite right." He Xia's face was very solemn as he straightened his spine and coughed twice, "Parenthood is one of the most important milestones in life. How could this not be serious, as even the Senior Official has mentioned it a number of times? No matter whether Princess gives an Order or not, I will definitely help."

Yaotian's heart was sugary as if eating a lot of honey. Her face was very red as she replied, "Who else, apart from Prince Consort, could possibly help me anyway?" Her voice was high and soft as a mosquito, almost no one could hear it.

"Heh, then I shall wait for Princess' arrival at the Prince Consort Residence tonight." He Xia was happy and forgot the royal etiquette, planting a fierce kiss on Yaotian's face. He stood up, "I will now go to deal with military affairs. Princess, don't forget our promise tonight."

Yaotian watched him stride away, his posture even more like a dragon. Her lips could no longer conceal her proud smile.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 3Where stories live. Discover now