Healing Kiss

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A / N Happy Valentines Day! Hope you all had fun. I spent the night writing this. Sleep is a foriegn concept, Solangelo is the only word I know. Enjoy <3

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"Gods of Olympus Nico, must you insist on coming back here every week?"

Will Solace limped across the infirmary, the son of Hades sagging against him. He had an arm around Nico's waist, who had, in turn, draped his arm over Will's shoulders. Despite Nico's insistence that he was fine, he was leaning heavily on the son of Apollo.

"I told you a thousand times I'm -" Nico lost his balance, and would have hit the ground had Will not caught him.

"- Fine," he said, with a shaky breath. His face was taught in pain and the effort of standing. His body began trembling against Will's own, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"Yeah, sure you are," Will replied, sarcastically. He readjusted his hold on Nico, fitting the frame of the smaller boy better against his own. They fit together so perfectly for that one moment in time. Then Nico doubled over, lost to the world.

Will staggered over to the closest bed, gently draping Nico's lifeless form down. Nico had gotten himself into another altercation with an unknown monster on a quest.

There had been a need for many quests recently; more and more monsters were appearing in Manhatten. Nico was always first to volunteer, throwing himself at the most dangerous tasks. It was as though he no longer cared if he got hurt, that it didn't matter if he made it back to camp. Most campers probably thought he was noble, or eager to prove himself. But Will knew that something dark was growing inside of the Nico. He could feel that dark presence becoming more and more powerful every time he touched the son of Hades - which admittedly he tried to do often. For the first time since had arrived at camp, Will was stumped for a cure. He didn't know how to help Nico, but he knew he needed to son of Hades alive to do it.

And so, he got to work. Nico had left this particular altercation with deep scratches on his arms and upper torso. They were infected, by the look of them; swollen and tinged green, blood flowing steadily from each wound. 

Will cleaned them up as best he could, but the drying blood had caused Nico's tattered shirt to stick to the gashes. Gingerly, Will cut away at the fabric, slowly peeling it away, using his gift to heal the torn skin as best he could. Will's gaze flicked between Nico's face and the wounds on his upper body.

Partly, because he was wary of the winces and groans Nico made every time Will made contact with his skin, and partly because he couldn't look at Nico's bare chest without blushing profusely, and that was the last thing he wanted Nico to wake to.

The wounds were beginning to close, thanks to the power of Will's gift from Apollo, but he needed Nico conscious in order to administer Ambrosia and Nectar.

Trying to keep his emotions under control, Will lay his hands on Nico's bare chest, trying to give him enough strength to wake.

Nico's eyelashes fluttered, his eyes opening slowly, heavy with pain. Will stood and leaned over him.

"Morning sunshine," Will smirked, knowing Nico hated the nickname. The son of Hades scowled.

"Fight me," he said, but his threat was empty, his voice weak.

"Sure thing," Will replied, smiling to himself. He sat down on the bed, reaching to the nightstand for the glass of Nectar he had prepared. Carefully, he slipped his arm around Nico's shoulders, lifting him gingerly, careful of the cuts also lining his back.

Nico didn't have the strength to keep his head raised, so he let it drop forward, resting on Will's shoulder.

"Comfortable?" Will asked him, chuckling. Nico took the glass from Will, but his hands shook too much to lift it. Will slid his hand over Nico's, steadying it.

"Screw you." the son of Hades said into Will's shirt, voice muffled by the fabric. He began to drain the golden liquid.

"Sure thing," Will repeated. Nico choked on the Nectar. He raised a hand to wipe away the godly liquid from his face, his strength already returning.

He lifted his gaze, eyeing Will suspiciously.

"Are you flirting with me?" he asked, mind working sluggishly.

"Do you want me to be?" Will asked, eyebrow raised.

Nico dropped his gaze from Will's, burying his face back in the son of Apollo's shirt, this time a blushing mess.

They stayed there like that for what could have been minutes, hours or even days. The sun would not set on those two souls, for they would simply outshine it.

Will turned to the head resting against him, already preparing a string of apologies.
But the head was unresponsive; Nico was asleep again.

Will smiled to himself, unseen by the world. He lay the son of Hades down on the bed, his wounds healing slowly.

Will rose to leave Nico to rest, but as he turned to exit he hesitated. He scanned the room, ensuring he was alone.

He bent down and brushed Nico's fringe from his brow. Will planted a quick kiss to his forehead, and left without a word.

He thought no one had seen but of course, someone had. Someone very important, and extremely dangerous was present in the infirmary that day. Not only did he see Will's small display of affection unknown to anyone else, he saw the events that unfolded as the son of Apollo left the room.

Eros watched as the deep gashes began to close at rapid speeds, faster than should have been possible, even for a god. 

Eros knew, this was no work of medicine or godly nectar. This was Will's doing. The kiss he had given Nico as he left the room was a rare form of healing magic.

Just as love had nearly killed him, a god, by some otherworldly power, it was now healing the son of Hades. The hope and love it represented was breathing life back into his very being.

Eros has only seen this very few times before, once in the presence of Apollo himself.

Nico gasped in his unconscious state, exhaling a soft whisper, "Will," and Eros had no regrets as he let two arrows fly that night.

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