Perfect Dork

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A/N The part two to wandering, wondering that I wrote before the part one :')

Summary: Nico being attention starved and Will trying to study but they just end up being all cute and cuddly :)

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Nico di Angelo stood, leaning in the doorway, watching the crystal blue eyes of his beautiful boyfriend scrunch in concentration. He had been standing there for... he had forgotten how long. But still, the blond hadn't acknowledged him, hadn't noticed him.

He had been hauled up, on his couch for days, studying frantically. Notes upon notes were piled up around him, creating a strategic fortress the Athena kids would be proud of. Nico had surprised with him a visit, and Will had been so apologetic, thinking Nico would feel deserted for the next week, as Will took his exams. Nico didn't mind too much. He was proud of Will for working so hard, which he had to if he wanted to get into medical school as he'd always dreamed.

Nico had largely given up on his education, as it was hard to enroll a student born before the school in question was even built. It didn't worry him, he would stay at camp half-blood and train the next generation of campers, or work for his father as the Ambassador of Pluto and Hades. No, the mortal world wasn't the place for him.

Staying here with Will had been and interesting experience. He had gotten to explore much of Austin, Texas, and had the privilege of meeting Will's mortal friends. He was even formally introduced as Will's boyfriend for the first time, which had completely melted his heart into his worn-out converse, but he'd never admit that to Will.

Who, now, come to think of it, was living up to his title as Significant Annoyance. Ten minutes had gone past and he hadn't looked up.

This is getting ridiculous, Nico thought. He cleared his throat loudly, but still, the son of Apollo remain vigilant.



"Will, I want attention,"

Will, still not looking up from the textbook in his lap, simply lifted his arm, allowing Nico to rush over and curl up next to him.

He sat there, mindlessly stroking Nico's hair, highlighting long and important words, every now and again making notes in the book beside him. His characteristically messy doctors' writing was scrawled in the margins on pages and pages of worksheets, and Nico silently marveled at how one person could fit so much in their head.

Nico sighed into the firm figure of his boyfriend, relaxing, truly relaxing, for the first time in a long time. He would never act like this around the others, but now that it was just the two of them, the sun and the shadows, he allowed himself to be vulnerable, letting his softer side take over.

Despite every flinch, every hiss, every scowl he barely controlled when touched unexpectedly by others, Nico craved physical affection. To feel wanted, to feel safe, to feel loved. And that was exactly how he felt, with Will's arm around his shoulder, hands running aimlessly through his hair.

Nico had compared Will's personality to a cat many times in the past, but it was he who displayed the feline tendencies in this moment, nestling into Will's torso while the son of Apollo read intently.

"You're warm," he commented, absentmindedly.

"Considering my parentage, you'd hope so," Will replied, reaching out for an elusive piece of paper.

Nico prodded him in the stomach, and the son of Apollo laughed, kissing him gently on the forehead.

Nico smiled up at him, and Will winked in return, before turning his attention back to his work.

Sighing quietly, Nico snuggled in close, getting comfortable, Will's arm draped loosely around his waist. After a few minutes of pleasant silence, the son of Hades yawned and closed his eyes.

"It must be tiring being that cute," Will commented.

"Then you... must be exhausted," Nico drawled, sleepily.

"You're a dork,"

"You're," Nico yawned again, "You're the dork."

"Haha, whatever you say," Will's body reverberated beneath him with the effort of laughing.

"I say," Nico said, his words slurring in exhaustion he didn't even realise he had been carrying with him, "That you might be a dork, but you're a perfect dork."

"Oh a perfect dork, am I?"

"Mhm," Nico nodded sleepily into Will's torso, "My perfect dork,"

The final moments of wake began to slip from Nico's already darkened vision. Before he fell asleep, he caught few of the final words Will muttered to him.

"I didn't think it was possible to love you more than I already did,"

But Nico had finally fallen asleep before Will leant down, kissed him gently on the bridge of his nose, and whispered, "Thank you for proving me wrong."

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