Awaken the Dawn

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Pt. 2 to Peirce the Night. *Lowkey a relationship reveal, but probably not the only one I'm going to write*

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It was a morning not unlike all the others when Nico woke up to Will curled up beside him.

The son of Apollo had his arms protectively around him as he slept on, golden fringe falling into closed eyes.

Nico brushed it aside, smiling; he had had no nightmares that night. Will had kept them away again. But now the sun was rising, and Will needed to as well. He placed a small kiss to Will's forehead, whispering softly to wake him.

"Hey, Will, we have to get up now."

A groan of disagreement came from the blond-haired boy, as he curled up next to the son of Hades, nuzzling into his chest. Nico's heart was beating so loud he was certain Will could hear it.

"Five more minutes," the son of Apollo grumbled into the blankets obscuring his face.

"I don't want you to leave either," Nico said gently, stroking Will's messy curls. "But you have to, before everyone wakes up."

"I don't care," the son of Apollo said. He emerged from the sanctuary of the blankets, his sleep-filled eyes opening slowly to let in the morning light. He gazed lovingly up at Nico, the night's dreams not yet cleared from his gaze, "But I know you do."

Nico flushed at the affectionate twinkle in Will's eye, as the son of Apollo sat up and stretched the last of his sleep away.

"I guess I better go then," he yawned, turning back to Nico. "We wouldn't want anyone making assumptions now would we?" Will gave him a wink, and Nico had to bury himself in the covers with embarrassment.

Will's melodious laugh rang out in the crisp morning air.

"My gods, you're cute," he said as Nico peeked over the blanket.

Will stood and leant over the bed, kissing the son of Hades tenderly on the cheek, "I'll see you later, okay?"

Nico nodded and watched his greatest blessing walk out the door, into the pale morning beyond it.

He'd been sleeping so much better with Will by his side. He came over late every night, crawled into bed and slept soundlessly beside him, without ever being asked. They'd gotten so close, so comfortable around each other. They fit together so perfectly, Nico wondered if the myth about soul mates being separated from one being might just have some truth to it.

It was such an innocent gesture, but rumors would spread if anyone saw Will Solace leaving the Hades cabin at first light.

To Nico, it was more like Will himself was the dawn, and it suddenly felt very dark and cold without his presence.

It was in that moment, as the first rays of sun illuminated his cabin that Nico finally understood.

He sat up swiftly, breathing hard as the realisation hit him.

He needed Will, more than he had ever needed anyone or anything. He was going to spend his life by Will's side. He couldn't live otherwise.

And he couldn't hide it in the shadows any longer.

He got dressed hastily and ran out the door not even hesitating long enough to grab his jacket. He dashed past cabins and campers alike, all as hazy as the misty morning settling over the camp.

His desperate sprint startled many, but he didn't stop. Nico ran until he saw the only person he still knew how to see. And then, for reasons unknown to him, he froze, paralysed. He'd come as far as he could. But he was so close.


It was a silent, desperate plea. Nico felt so drawn to Will, it was as if he was being physically pulled towards him. But he stayed motionless, staring with longing at the boy, separated only by distance.

As if he heard the call, the son of Apollo turned to face him, surprised by the Ghost King's sudden appearance.


His question was lost in the mist as the son of the Hades flew into his arms.

Shocked, Will could only stumble back, catching the boy as best he could, holding him close.

"What -?" he stopped short, as Nicos usually melancholy eyes gazed up at him, filled with as much unfiltered joy as the smile plastered on his face. Will had never seen him so happy, and his heart melted in his chest, filling him with the greatest feeling of warmth he'd ever experienced. He wasn't surprised when he had been told later he had been literally glowing as the next events of the morning unfolded.

"Can I kiss you?" Nico asked Will, holding his gaze with so much love and adoration.

Will looked around at the campers staring at them in surprise and visible confusion.

"You don't have to ask, but what about -"

But Nico was too impatient to hear whatever logical point Will was about to make. The sun met the shadows in the light of the dawn, sharing a kiss so passionate it made the Aphrodite cabin swoon.

Cheering erupted around the camp, and the two boys were separated and hoisted above the excited crowd. As per tradition, they were carried across the lake by a swarm of excited campers, Percy, Piper, and Kayla leading the charge.

Neither Will nor Nico could stop smiling as they were submerged in the icy water of the lake. Breaking the surface, laughing together, they held each other close.

"Will, you mean everything to me," said the son of Hades, stroking Will's wet fringe from his eyes, "And when you left before, I realised that I couldn't pretend otherwise. I need you, Will."

The son of Apollo grinned.

"So what does all this mean anyway?" he teased.

"It means I love you, you dork" Nico laughed.

Doing their best not to drown, the two boys enveloped each other, vowing to never let the other go ever again.

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