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A/N I don't really know but we are in Will's POV 

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My face grows warm. Is it because of my proximity to the fire, or to the boy sitting beside me?

We've been darting around each other for weeks. I like him, I really do. I've tried to show him, but short of kissing him straight out, I don't know what else to do.

I look over, his eyes are trained on the fire.

Gingerly, I reach for his hand. He holds mine, his confusion only evident in the question in his eyes.

My gaze flickers to his lips, I can't help it.

Screw it

I lean in closer. So does he. The distance closes. So do his eyes.


He pushes me back, his hand is snatched away. His face is red. Sunkissed.

He's gone, he's running.

I'm up, I'm following.

"Nico, please! I'm sorry! Wait..."

"Go away!"

I stop dead, I've been hit. The words hurt more than they should. They come, blow after blow.

"I don't need you! I don't want you! I just want, I need the pain to end!"


"Nico I know! I understand!"

He whirls on me, rage in his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"How? How could you possibly know what I'm going through!

"Because I've felt it too!" I yell desperately. I try to collect myself, almost whispering, "because I've felt it every day since I first met you,"

I take a step closer to him, I reach for his hand. He doesn't come any closer, but he doesn't step away. There's a war being fought behind his darting eyes. I hold his hands in mine, to reassure him I'm not going anywhere, and to ensure he doesn't either.

"Homosexuality isn't a sickness Nico,"

He scowls, he turns away. I raise a hand to cup his face, he flinches from my touch. He turns his gaze to meet mine, and something softens. I stroke his cheek, wiping away the tears.

"And heartbreak," I lean in closer, "It has a cure,"

He takes a shuddering breath, his hands start to shake. I've already pushed too far. I let my hand fall, but the tension doesn't leave his face.

"Nico, I'm so sorry. I'll leave you alone if you want me to. Just know, it will break my heart just a little more every day, watching you and knowing I can't be beside you. Knowing the one voice I most look forward to hearing every day has silenced itself. Knowing I can't fix the pain you're feeling. Knowing I may not ever see your smile ever again.

"But I'll wait for you when you're ready. When you need someone I'll be there, in the background. I'm not giving up on you di Angelo. So don't you give up on you."

I step away, feeling suddenly cold without his presence. Another step. I can't let go. Another step. I release his hand.

I turn to face the night. It feels heavy, it presses down on me. I struggle to breathe. The darkness chokes me, tears burn in my eyes. It threatens to crush me.


His voice cuts through the night. I turn back. His eyes sparkle, how they shine. His voice is hoarse, his words rough.

"Thank you,"

The pressure lifts. I can breathe. I can see. I can feel. I smile.

As I watch him turn away, I know it won't be the last time I see him, it won't be the last time he makes me smile. I'm not giving up on him.

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