Stay With Me?

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Summary: Plot twist, what if WILL was the one to get hurt...?

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"Where is he? Where's Will?"

"They're taking him to the infirmary, but- "

Nico was distraught. All he knew was Percy and Piper had left with Will two days previously on some kind of quest. No one but Chiron had known they were going. But now, everyone knew something had gone terribly wrong.

Piper had Iris messaged the camp the day before, saying they had to come back immediately. The quest had failed. Someone had gotten hurt.

And since Piper was okay, and Percy was, well Percy, that just left Will.

Nico had been with Hazel when he heard they'd returned. Now, he left her far behind as he tore across the camp, knocking people over left and right, not stopping to for even a second to apologise. If Will was hurt he needed to be there, if only to run Percy through for letting someone else close to him come to harm. It would certainly help him release some of his worry.

Nico ran, not stopping for even a second until he ran straight into the hard figure of a demigod in his way.

"Move!" the son of Hades yelled, not looking up.

"Nico -"

He fought against the person in his way, frustrated at their persistence and the clam in their voice.

"Nico," the figure repeated.

"I said get out of my way!"

"Nico, stop!"

Nico stopped. He looked up frantically at the person blocking his path. Eyes darting, he took them in. The sad sea-green eyes, the dark windswept hair, the black eye, the bleeding lip.


"Glad to see me?" he smirked

"I need to see Will!" Nico tried to push past him, but the son of Poseidon stood firmly in his way, reaching out to grasp his shoulders, keeping the son of Hades still.

"I need to see Will, I need to, I need to see him..." Nico's voice trailed off. He looked up at Percy, but his stare was not returned.

"He better be alive Jackson or I swear -"

"He is, he's in the infirmary. Kayla told me you'd likely make your way there as soon as you heard. She asked me to come stop you."

"You have no right - "

"To get in your way I know. If it were you stopping me from seeing Annabeth, I'd have knocked you out already. Uh, you know, no offense,"

Nico scowled at him, blushing profusely.

"So," Percy continued, "We can go see him, but you have to tell Kayla I at least tried to stop you,"

"Fine," Nice responded sharply. As soon as he felt Percy's grip loosen, he took off again.

"Hey! Other injured demigod over here!"

"Keep up or shut up Jackson!"

*              *             *

"Nico, what are you doing here? I thought -" Kayla was shocked to see him as Nico rushed through the infirmary door.

"Yeah, yeah, Percy already tried to stop me. Can I see him?"

She smiled, " By him, I assume you mean Will?"

"Of course," Nico replied in confusion. Why else would he have rushed all the way over here?

Kayla gave him an amused smile, which confused him even more. He looked at her pointedly, and she cleared her throat hastily, before leading him over to a bed at towards the end of the large, warmly lit room.

Upon seeing Will, Nico's breath caught. His blond curls were matted with blood. He was so covered in it, Nico couldn't even tell where it was coming from. He could feel tears burning in his eyes, and was so grateful when Kayla dismissed herself, leaving quietly.

"You done staring, di Angelo?" came a shaky voice from the boy lying before him.

"Will!" Nico rushed to his bedside, reaching for his hand. The son of Apollo let out a weak laugh.

"You're cute when you're worried," he said, smiling softly through his obvious discomfort.

"I'm always going to worry about you," Nico replied gently stroking Will's cheek.

"Then lucky for me, you'll always be cute," Will said with a wink.

"Shut up you," Nico said teasingly. He reached for a wet cloth on the table beside the bed and began cleaning the blood from Will's face.

"What did you think you were doing," Nico sighed, "Going off and getting into trouble like that?"

"I thought I was doing what I'm doing now," Will replied with a smirk.

"And what was that?"

"Flirting with death," the son of Apollo said with a wink.

Nico's cheeks grew warm, and unable to think up a witty response, he continued to clean the last of grime from Will's face.

"You know you don't have to-" Will began, trying to sit up.

"No," Nico said, gently putting a hand on Will's chest. "No, don't get up you'll make it worse." Will opened his mouth to argue, but Nico silenced him, kissing him gently. Pulling away slowly, he looked directly into Will's eyes, as they glistened in amazement. He brushed his fringe "Just let me take care of you, for once."

Will's voice was hoarse when he responded, "Stay with me?"

"Of course," Nico whispered. As he moved to go sit in the chair beside the bed, Will grabbed his wrist, stopping him dead. He turned back to the injured boy, whose face was flushed and eyes looking anywhere but his.

"I, ah. I sort of meant..." His eyes flicked to the space in the bed beside him, and he blushed an even darker shade of red.

Nico smiled and slid onto the bed next to Will. He couldn't wipe the smile from his face, even letting out a shallow laugh as he curled up next to Will.

"Don't read to far into it di Angelo," the son of Apollo muttered to him.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Nico replied.

They fell asleep like that, smiling together.

And that's how Kayla found them later, though she didn't have to heart to wake either of them. She had been worried Nico would have a negative effect on Will's recovery and had sent Percy to at least delay his arrival. But seeing them now, so at peace together, she decided she had been wrong. These two souls were perfect for each other in every way. And as she watched Will's wounds begin to quickly close, she knew it wasn't just because of the Ambrosia and Nectar, but because of the boy lying beside him.

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