Follow the Sun

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A/N Will singing because we all need that

Based on the song Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd, would definitely recommend listening to it as you read.

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"Hey Will,"

"Nico! Hi,"

Nico di Angelo leant carelessly in the doorway of the Apollo cabin, watching his boyfriend fiddle aimlessly with a guitar splayed across his lap.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" The son of Hades said, rather bemused by what he saw.

"No, not at all," Will positioned to the guitar lying against bunk he was sitting on. When Nico raised an eyebrow at him in mock skepticism, he continued, "Oh, and, you know, I was just tuning that guitar." He gestured to it aimlessly.

"Right," said Nico, still feigning confusion, "Well, you didn't come fuss all over me at breakfast, so I figured you must have missed it. Here," he said, throwing a muffin across the cabin to Will, who caught in surprise.

"Thank you," he said, "So you missed my fussing, did you?" He asked, eyes glinting mischievously.

"Get over yourself Solace,"

Will laughed as Nico made his way to the bunk opposite him, sitting down and resting his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees.

They sat in comfortable silence, Will picking away at his muffin, Nico looking around the cabin as if he hadn't been in there a million times before.

"So can you play?"

Will looked up in surprise, "Play what?"

Nico looked suggestively at the guitar leaning on Will's bunk.

"Oh, no, you know I didn't inherit any of my father's natural musical gifts,"

"But can you play?" Nico repeated.

"Well," Will said, placing the half-eaten muffin on the bedside locker next to him and reaching for the guitar, "I have slowly been teaching myself, just some basic chords and stuff."

"Play me something?"

"Come on Nico, I-"

"Please? You're not shy are you?"

Will scoffed at the suggestion

"Scared of little old me?" Nico pressed him further, giving him a huge dorky grin

"Fine, but if your ears start bleeding I will keep you in the infirmary until you're eighty."

"I'm already eighty, you need to update your medical records."

Will stuck his tongue out at the son of Hades but said nothing further.

Gingerly, he positioned the guitar in his lap, fiddling with it once more.

"Okay, be merciful," Will cleared his throat, and began to play carefully. He made a few mistakes in the opening bars, but he got into a rhythm after a while. That is until he sang the first words...

"Follow, follow the sun,"

Nico scoffed at the opening line, considering the one singing it.

Will sighed, and looked at him in exasperation, "Well, do you want me to play it or not?"

"I'm sorry," Nico said, genuinely wanting Will to continue, "Please, go on,"

Will took a deep breath and started again. This time, he made no mistakes...

"Follow, follow the sun.
And which way the wind blows,
When this day is done.

"Breathe, breathe in the air.
Set your intentions,
Dream with care.

Tomorrow's a new day for everyone.
Brand new moon, brand new sun,"

Will laughed nervously to himself, working his way through the instrumental section, tapping his foot on the floor to keep time.

"So follow, follow the sun.
The direction of the birds,
The direction of love,

"Breathe, breathe in the air.
Cherish this moment,
Cherish this breath.
Tomorrow is a new day for everyone.
Brand new moon, brand new sun,

"When y- wait sorry that's supposed to be an F," he readjusted his hold on the guitar. Nico smiled at his perfectly flawed boyfriend, who was trying so hard to impress him. Whose voice made him nostalgic for memories he hadn't even made. Memories he wanted to make with Will by his side.

"When you feel life coming down on you,
Like a heavy weight.
When you feel this crazy society,
Adding to the strain.
Take a stroll to the nearest waters,
And remember your place.
Many moons have risen and fallen long, long before you came,"

That line, it hit Nico hard. Will's voice gave it so much meaning, that he couldn't keep the burning in his eyes from manifesting itself into a single tear. He wiped it away hastily.

"So which way is the wind blowin',
And what does your heart say?"

Will risked his place in the music, and looked up from the guitar, focussing his gaze on Nico. The son of Hades gave him a reassuring smile. Will returned his smile, and continued;

"So follow, follow the sun.
And which way the wind blows,
When this day is done,"

Plucking the final chords, Will sighed, and turned back to Nico. The son of Hades sniffed and wiped his eyes on his sleeves.

"Oh gods, it wasn't that bad was it?" Will moved the guitar, resting it once more against the bed.

"No," Nico stood and walked over the son of Apollo. He pulled Will into a tight embrace, which he returned, hesitantly.

"No, it was just perfect. Thank you,"

Will laughed in his arms, "Anytime Sunshine,"

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A / N So yes, it was short, but I think it was sorta cute...

It's better listening to the song trust me on that one.

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