Thawing Slowly

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A/N Its snowing, which means your favorite demigod has an excuse to cuddle up to Will :) and, it's the first time Nico says 'I love you.'

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It was one of those magical days where snow clung to surfaces ever so gently, blanketing the ground in its cold embrace. Where a calming chill settled lightly in the air. Where you could see whispers of breath uncurling into the air as people spoke, lips trembling ever so slightly in the cold.

Where it was acceptable to sit just a little too close to the boy next to you, under the falsehood of needing warmth. As if your face didn't grow warm whenever you were near him. As if you were trembling from the cold and not the nerves that shook deep within you in his presence. As if he wasn't suddenly even more stunning with snowflakes settling on his eyelashes, his cheeks rosy and the warmth from his voice dancing hypnotically through the cool air.

Nico was transfixed. His eyes betrayed him every time he tried to look away. He sat staring at the ethereal blond next to him, ever grateful that they had allowed the first snow of the season to visit the camp. Every laugh, every smile, every twinkle in Will's deep blue eyes were even more beautiful in the bright light of the morning.

What he was talking about, Nico couldn't hear over the pounding of his heart in his chest. The son of Apollo turned to him, and Nico shivered involuntarily; he was just so beautiful.

Immediately the humourous sparkle in Will's eyes was replaced with concern. He stroked his knuckles against Nico's cheek.

"Are you cold?" he asked, ever the caring healer.

"No," Nico lashed back with, leaning away by default. He regretted it immediately. He hated being mean to Will and hated moving away from him even more.

Luckily for him, Will was used to his habits and overlooked what some might have considered a rude response. It was part of their dynamic by now, and Will was more than prepared to play along. Rolling his eyes in exasperation, the son of Apollo stood up to take off his jumper. As he pulled it over his head, his shirt underneath rode up ever so slightly, exposing his protruding hip bone. Nico blushed profusely, looking away when suddenly his world turned orange... and warm.

"Put that on," came Will's muffled voice.

Nico realised the warmth was coming from Will's jumper that the son of Apollo had thrown at his head. Gingerly, Nico removed it from its position over his eyes and turned to scowl at the other boy. Will gave him a dorky grin, and Nico's scowl was quickly replaced with a very flustered expression.

Tentatively, he pulled the sweater over his head. It was far too long, and he had to hold the edge of the sleeves so as not to lose his hands completely in the fabric. But it was warm and it smelt like Will; a strange mix of disinfectant, cologne, and oddly enough a smoky wooden smell. It was strange, but it intoxicating, it was Will.

Unable to keep the blush contained, Nico mumbled a quiet, "Thank you," and pulled his knees up to his chest, huddling up in the body warmth Will had infused into the fabric, doing his best to hide his reddening face.

"Is what I think is happening, happening?"

Nico turned to Will in confusion. The son of Apollo had a huge smile plastered across his face.

"Did I, Will Solace, actually make the Ghost King blush?" Will gasped dramatically, ever the theatric.

"Shut up," Nico mumbled, burying himself in the fabric of Will's sweater, but it only reminded him more of the boy beside him. His cheeks warmed even more, as Will wrapped his arm around the son of Hades, jokingly consoling him.

"Nico, I get it, this whole feeling thing is new to you," Will laughed as Nico covered his face with his hands "It's okay, I won't take it too personally," Will finished, prodding Nico's side teasingly, emphasising his point.

"Maybe you should," came Nico's voice, muffled by the sleeves over his hands.

"What -"

Quick as light, Nico placed a kiss on Will's cheek before returning to his hiding place behind his hands.

He mumbled quietly in Italian, "Penso di essere innamorato di te,"

~ (Translation: I think I'm in love with you) ~

"Come again?"

"It was nothing,"

"Oh, come on!" Will laughed, "Don't do that to me! You know it's going to drive me crazy all day!"

Nico didn't respond, he stayed buried in the fabric of his sleeves.

"Fine then," Will leaned in close enough that Nico could feel every word as it was uttered against his cheek, "I'll just interpret it myself."

Nico looked up hesitantly, the confusion on his face only growing when Will surprised him with a kiss. Nico squeaked in shock, causing Will's mouth to smile against his own before the son of Apollo doubled over in hysterics.

"Oh gods," he said laughing, "Nico I'm sorry, your face, I just-"

Will was overcome with another fit of giggles, and Nico pulled the neckline of the sweater over his eyes, wishing it was the ground swallowing him up.

"Go away," he mumbled, none too seriously.

"Awww, getting bored of me already?" Will threw the sweater a lopsided grin that grew in size as two dark eyes peered over the top. He wrapped an arm around the son of Hades, kissing his forehead gently.

"Fine, but I'll see you in the infirmary later? You're going to help me out, right?"

Nico nodded, and Will stood to leave. Nico emerged from behind the fabric to watch him go, already missing the warm presence beside him.

"Oh," Will said, turning around and throwing the son of Hades a wink, "And I love you too."

Nico's eyes widened as he watched Will leave, chuckling quietly to himself.

"Il mio tutto," Nico whispered quietly, looking longingly after the other boy,

"My everything."

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Solace is derived from the old French name "Sollas" which is derived from the Latin "Sōlācium", meaning comfort or "consultation in times of stress".

A / N asdfghjkl that is exactly what he is I swear he's perfect. Can someone please find me my own Will, I don't wanna take Nico's away from him but I want one so badly. I got this fact from the Riordan Wiki Fandom page, I do a bit of character research from time to time.

I don't know, I really like this one, I think the dynamic these two have is pretty hard to get right but I think *cough* hope *cough* I got pretty close. 

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