Just Three Days

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Summary: This one's a surprise :)

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Sun on their faces Nico di Angelo and Will Solace strolled hand in hand to their tree, deep in the woods, a place that was all their own. Where Nico first confessed his feelings to Will, where they had kissed as a couple for the first time, and where, in a momentary lapse of their normal judgement, the two had carved their initials (W+N) into the base of the trunk, all dorky and romantic like.

It was so special, and held so many memories. And where, most importantly, they could be away from everyone else. It was so deep into the forrest, it took them a little while to walk there, but it was so beautiful it was worth it.

Nico felt Will's hand flinch, and was made aware of his boyfriend as he tripped on the path. He smiled at him, as he tried to regain his balance.

"Are you okay?"

Wills eyes snapped to his and he smiled his stunningly bright smile.

"Yeah, fine!"

The son of Apollo raised Nico's hand in his, kissed the back of it and kept walking.

Nico couldn't hold in a smile at his adorably clumsy boyfriend, and he let it spread right across his face. No one would ever have to know.

His smile faltered, however, when a few minutes later, Will tripped again. Nico reached forward and grabbed the son of Apollo's elbow to steady him. For someone so careful with their hands in the infirmary and so precise with his words, Will was acting unusually unsteady.

"Will, are you sure you're okay?"

The son of Apollo waved him off, having regained his balance, he stood tall and took a shaky breath. He turned back to Nico and smiled.

"Yeah, like I said, fine,"

He winked and reached for Nico's hand once more, but as they continued their walk in silence, Nico was all too aware of Will's gradually tightening grip, and his uneven pace.

All seemed well enough when they arrived, and as they spent the morning in each others company, the worry slipped from Nico's mind, and he relaxed into the calm atmosphere Will always brought about wherever he went.

Between that, and the warming sun, the comfort of having Will so close, and his complete and utter contentment, Nico felt his eyelids grow heavy, and began to close. Leaning back, making himself comfortable against the other boy, Nico to began to doze lightly against Will's chest, breathing in time with the rhythmic beat of his heart.

* * *

The ache in is back was the first thing Nico noticed when he woke up. Peeling his eyes open and squinting against the sun peering through the trees, its was easy enough to see why. He and Will had fallen asleep normally enough, but while they slept they had wrapped themselves up in an awful tangle of limbs. Nico gently shifted one of Will's arms from his waist, and stretched the tension from his spine. As he shook out the pins and needles from his arm, he turned and shuffled away from Will, still resting against the trunk of the tree.

Nico stood slowly, muscles groaning at their first movement in hours. He attempted to shake off his drowsiness as he made his way back to Will, ruffling his curls.

The son of Apollo cracked open one eye, peering reluctantly up at him. Nico laughed.

"Hey there sleepy head. I'm sorry to wake you, but we need to be heading back," he said quietly, placing a kiss on Will's cheek to stir him into a functioning consciousness.

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