Chapter 13 I'm ok...

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Tharn, without talking to his boyfriend or his "brother in law", decided to talk with an officer about the amount of money that the judge considered as enough to take Lhong out of that hell. It wasn't too much actually, so he came back to Type and Gulf

"I think...we have to bail him out... he can't remain here..." Gulf said

"Weren't you the person that kept insulting him while looking at his photos? By the  way, I can pay..."

"Really?!" Type shouted

"Yes... but there's a problem..."

"What are you talking about ai Tharn? I know that you might not forgive him... but I think that this is way too much..."

"I'm not talking about it ai Type..." 

"Then spill it out!"

"Even if we pay... he will have to remain here until tomorrow..." 

"oh God... and how will we tell him this ai Tharn?"

"I don't know...but you might convince him ai Gulf... you should try" Guld nodded and stood up, he came back to Lhong and held his hands

"Ai Lhong, we will come back... and you will be free... but you have to wait until tomorrow..." Gulf said as his eyes started watering, Lhong wiped off the tears of his beloved one and smiled

"Don't worry, I will be fine... my friends will be beside me..." after that word... friends... such an innocent sentence... sounded terrible after what Lhong told him. 

"don't cry ai Gulf... you're brother promised me that he... he..."

"he's taking care of me... but I need you ai Lhong... why did you do that? Why did you have to leave me like that? Couldn't you let me help you?"

You helped me a lot ai Gulf... it isn't your fault... but I had to pay for this... and I'm still paying..."

"SHOULDN'T THIS BE ENOUGH?! DIDN'T YOU PAY ENOUGH?... look... just look at your wrist... and...and... where is the... light that I found in the deep of your eyes after so much work?..."  Lhong kissed Gulf's hand

"I'm sorry ai Gulf... don't think about this... I know that you will find..."

"NO, I DON'T WANT ANYONE ELSE, I WANT YOU... and you can't change my mind... you can't..." 

Type noticed that Tum and Tar arrived there too and they looked quite calm so Type wasn't afraid that Tum could do something stupid. 

"Ai Gulf...we should go now... there are other people that will take care of him until tomorrow.. right ai Tharn?" Tharn nodded. After a while Gulf stood up and they left. 

Tum and Tar sat on the chairs in front of Lhong. 

"P' Lhong... I'm impressed by what you did, and I want to apologize for what my brother did to you..." 

"Don't worry ai Tar... I deserved it ..." Lhong replied still smiling, Tar started feeling uncomfortable so he stood up

"I will...go ... to the vending machine... I need something to drink." as tar left Tum came closer to  Lhong

"So, is it good to spend your days with other rapists like you?"

"Ye...yes...  I found some...friends too..."

"Oh, I hope they enjoy playing with a scum like you"

"" Tum looked at him confused

"Well... good, I don't care if my brother wants to forgive you, I will always hate you, clear?"

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