Chapter 21 - A Valentine's Day With you

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Blaze's POV
It was around 10am by now and I was cooking in the kitchen. Ein still hasn't gotten up yet and for once my cooking wasn't burnt.

I was already ready for the day, I ate breakfast already, took a shower, and I was in a really good mood.

I mean..who wouldn't be...? Ein's my valentine today.

I smiled as I finished cooking. I knew how he loved bacon and I loved white milk. We put them together one time and now its one of our favourites.

Sleeping beauty wasn't awake yet but I wanted to let him sleep atleast a little more. He slept at 2am so he deserves it.

I placed the white milk and bacon on the table, I later went into Ein's room to wake him up but...I blushed at the sight I saw.

'He's adorable...' I thought to myself.

He had messy bed hair on his head, he was in an oversized shirt (which I think was mine), and he looked so peaceful..

'I know it's wrong to stare but I can't help it....adorable's just one word to describe the sight infront of me.' I thought again as I stepped a bit closer.

I placed my hand on his head and started to pet him again.

"B..Blaze...5 more minutes.." He whined like a child.

"But its Valentine's day and I made you breakfast babe~" I cooed playfully.

A moment of silence stood between us until Ein sat up.

"You made what now?-" He asked, looking concerned.

I giggled and reassured him. "Don't worry, the kitchen isn't destroyed, and the food isn't burnt. Relax."

He sighed in relief "Oh thank God"

We giggled as he got up, his hair was really messy and his fur looked really fluffy. I laughed and hugged him.

"Now lets go eat breakfast..bed head" I whispered to his ear.

Ein's POV
Blaze looked like he was in such a good mood today. I always knew he had a bubbly side to him but I've never seen him show it to me this much.

It was already around 2pm now and I had fixed up my bed hair and taken a shower. Since it was Valentine's day today classes were out. If you'd look outside the window you'd see tons of couples outside, just being together...

I was on the couch, looking out the window beside me. For some reason Blaze was in his room, and he told me not to go in.

I smiled at the thought of being with him. He's always made me happy, and I'm glad I get to spend my day with him. He's really understanding, loyal, loving, and amazing really..

As I was thinking about him he came up from behind me and gave me a big hug.

"Hey babe~" He teased and smiled sweetly.

"Hey idiot.." I replied to him, and smirked jokingly.

He held me up in the air and off the couch as he smiled. "What are you doing now?" I asked, kinda concerned by his actions.

"I'm not planning on doing anything. I just wanted to admire the beauty of the sight infront of me more." He said with a smile on his face, his eyes looking straight into mine.

I blushed brightly as he put me down. I was shook by what he said to me and kinda dizzy. I was about to fall when he caught me..his hand was on my waist and the other on my back.

"Don't want you falling for me again~" He teased, I died.

This goof was a real flirt today. But I'm glad he was. He seemed really happy since he was my Valentine and his smile was something priceless to me.

-Time Skip----------
We were both chilling on the couch, watching a movie. Blaze's arm was around me and my head rested on his shoulder. I looked at the clock to see that it was already 5pm. The sun was near to setting, and more couples would be out by now.

"Why me?" I asked as Blaze looked at me.

His face looked confused as I continued talking.
"Of all the cute girls you could've gotten. Of all the cute guys you could've gotten. You chose why did you choose me..?" I asked.

Blaze set me on his lap, facing me to him. He looked me in the eyes as he replied.

"I chose you because you're the one I changed for the better since highschool. You turned over a new leaf...But most of made me smile.."

His words made me flustered and embarrassed. I hid my blushing face in his shirt as he held me close.

"You really are a goof...aren't you.." I sighed and said to him. Hugging him close as the evening came.

This Valentine's was amazing..Blaze is amazing...

He makes me feel things no ones ever made me feel before. And he makes me happy..

"I love you.." I mummbled into his ears. He must've heard it since he blushed alot and mumbled back an "I love you too.."

He makes me happy. I make him happy. This Valentine's was amazing, just being with someone who loves me...
879 words...♡
Happy Valentine's day everyone..♡

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