Chapter 33 - "Blueberry"

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Ein's POV
A few days passed and today was Thurday already. I was on my laptop, in my room while working on an essay I had to submit tomorrow. It was a quiet afternoon, Blaze and I had just finished our classes for the day and went back to the dorm.

At times I'd mumble to myself aloud, thinking of what else I could put in the essay. " inturn...if the state of this is not stable...then it will crumble-"

My thoughts were cut of by my roommate running to my room and breaking my door down.

"Ein!" Blaze said aloud as my door fell under his feet.

"Blaze what the heck? You could've just opened my door." I complained, shutting off my laptop.

"We forgot to go shopping for what we'll wear for the meetup!" Blaze exclaimed as I got out of bed.

"I thought we were just gonna wear casual."

"I forgot Aaron said to wear formal wear.." Blaze explained and took my hand.

He grabbed his wallet and pulled me out of the dorm.

-Time Skip---------------
Blaze's POV
We drove around town, looking for a good shop. Ein just stared out the window an stayed quiet.

After half an hour of driving around the city Ein spoke up. "Hey, I know a good place."

He gave me directions on where to drive to. I followed and we arrived at a very dainty and cozy shop.

Ein and I got out of the car. "Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked in curiosity.

"Trust me.." Ein started "You'll look even more charming after, Prince Charming." He teased and smirked as we walked inside.

When we got in there was a desk and a short lady sitting there and writing things down.

"H-Hey Miss Oksana.." Ein stuttered as the lady looked up.

"EIN!!" The lady shouted and ran up to him, giving him a giant hug. She then looked up to see me standing right behind Ein.

"Ooooh Einnnn..~ I see you brought a special someone with you today..." The lady teased as she pulled away and brought her hand out to me.

"My name is Roxanne Oksana. But you can call me Roxa or Miss Oksana. I'm Ein's legal guardian. And you must be Blaze! I've heard so much about you!" She explained and smiled with joy.

"Y-You have?"

"Of course! Blueberry talks so much about you on the phone to me!" I blushed a bit at her words and realized how embarrassed Ein began feeling.

'wait...blueberry?' I cuckled and thought in my head.

"Well I-I hope its nothing bad. Anyways, like you guessed my name is Blaze. I-I am Ein's roommate and just that." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well what brings you two here? It cant be break already.." Miss Oksana asked.

I began to explain. "Well you see we're going to a meetup with our old friends from highschool tomorrow and I just remembered that we'd have to wear formal wear for it and-"

Was cut off by Miss Oksana. "This is the perfect excuse to see my Blueberry in a suit again! He looks just like his father."

She stumbled into another room in the shop and began getting things together which meant me and Ein were left alone.

"So.....Bluberry~" I teased as Ein blushed.

"I-Its just a nickname dummy." "Well I'm keeping it."

Our banter continued until Roxa came back and told us to go change into the things she put in the changing rooms. "So Blaze can take changing room 1 and my little Blueberry can take changing room 2."

And so we headed into the changing rooms and began to change.

-A Small Time Skip---------------
Ein's POV
I changed into the first one and was honestly impressed at what Miss Oksana threw together.

The suit consisted of a white long-sleeved polo, a dark blue vest on top, a black pair of pants, and a black tie-like ribbon.

The outfit was really nice but there was another thing Miss Oksana put in my changing was a large brown sweater, a tie, and a skirt..

The thing is.....I kinda like the feeling if dressing in a dress/skirt..I know that it would be really embarrassing if I did it infront of people so I'd just keep it to myself.

I sighed and decided not to try it on, instead I changed into my regular clothes but wore the brown sweater over myself instead of my blue hoodie.

I came out of the changing room to see Blaze looking at himself in the mirror.

He was...really...really....really..really...charming.....

He was dressed in a pinkish-red long sleeved polo, with a black tie, a black coat, and a pair of black pants.

"Soo, what do ya think?" He asked me as I slowly got lost in his looks.

I stared for a moment until I realized that I was staring. Blaze smirked. "Am I really that handsome, babe~?" He asked me in a teasing manner.

"H-Hey, its not my fault your suit....suits you well.." I mumbled, a bit flustered.

"Stop teasing eachother and tell me what you think of the suits, you two love birds!" Miss Oksana yelled in joy as she walked in.

"I love it." Blaze said, doing a little twirl.
"I really like what you put together Miss." I said as she looked at me up and down.

"Well I'm glad you two like them. Its such a shame though Ein..I think the other outfit would've also looked good on you." She said as she got the suit I handed her.

I grabbed my stuff and waited for Blaze on the couch in the lobby of the small shop.

He eventually got out of the changing room and took his tux too.
"So how much is this both?" He asked, taking out his wallet.

"Oh, its on the house dear." Miss Oksana said with a smile.

"W-wait really? No. We cant take both of these for free." Blaze insisted.

"This is for my little Blueberry and his "roommate" of course you can!"

"You're really too kind. We can't take this for free Miss Oksana. I insist I pay something for them." Blaze said again.

She sighed. "Well $300 would be something." She said as Blaze smiled and took out a bill from his wallet.

Miss Oksana accepted it and we were took the clothes. "Thank you so much. I'll talk to you on the phone again soon Miss Oksana. Bye!" Ein said as we walked out of the store. She smiled and waved back to him. It was nice to see some wholesomeness like this. And this was a really nice day.

"So~ Blueberry, what do ya wanna do now?"
Word count: 1,153

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