Chapter 40 - Be My Boyfriend (part 1)

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Ein's POV
It was a dark Friday morning. It was still dark outside, it felt really cold in my room, it was still 6 in the morning, and for some reason I smelled something coming from the kitchen area of our dorm.

I came out of my room to find Blaze cooking. He had a really bubbly expression on his face and his cooking didn't look like it was burning.

"Morning Blue!" He said to me as I took a seat on the counter.
"Well you sure look happy today" I said and yawned. "Is this because of the thing you have planned later?" I asked.

"M-Maybe..hehe..." He responded with a nervous grin. He placed the bacon on a plate and poured some glasses of white milk for us.

"Well I just hope it isn't a prank or a joke or anything. People pranked me rough yesterday." I said as we both began eating.

"How so and by who?" He asked with concern.

"You don't need to worry about it. Its nothing really." I replied and continued eating. Blaze sighed as he finished his food a bit later.

The day went on for both of us. We attended our classes, Cassy pissed me off again during one of my electives, I met up with Damien to discuss a group project we had with 3 other people, and it was a day like any other for me.

-----Time Skip-----
I walked back to the dorm with alot of stuff in my hands. I carried papers and folders for my classes, I carried bags filled with props and other things for projects, and I carried a thought with me.

'What could Blaze be planning..?'

I eventually got back to the dorm and set all my stuff down. I crashed into my room to find...a suit layed ontop of my bed.

It was the same suit from when we went to Aph's meetup but it looked a little different. It was deffinitely the same suit but this time it had a small red rose in the pockets of the blazer.

Aside from that there was a note beside it on the bed. The note read...

I smirked at his words and sighed as I thought to myself

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I smirked at his words and sighed as I thought to myself.

'He really is an idiot...isn't he..?' I laughed a bit at my thoughts and followed. I put the suit on and as I put on the blazer I got a call from Quinn.

Quinn: Have you read the note?
Me: Yep.
Quinn: Great, I want you to come down to the cafe. Right now.
Me: Why? I dont have work today.
Quinn: Just don't question it and get down here.

'Blaze what the heck do you have planned?'
I asked myself as I grabbed some of my stuff nd stepped out of the dorm. I was dressed in a suit. There's a red rose in the pocket of this balzer. Quinn is telling me to go down to the cafe. And Blaze has probably done something to the crew over there.

I got off campus and started walking, my phone in my hands, and my keys and wallet in my pocket.

----------Another Time Skip-----------
I finally got to the cafe but there were decorations up. Blue and red decor hung from the ceiling, everyone was lined up infront of the counter, and Blaze was nowhere to be found.

My co-workers were lined up infront of the counter where the cash registers are.

Jack was first and he had bright red roses in his hands, when I walked up to him he gave me a small box of chocolates and the red roses that were once in his hands.

Kai was second in line. He held orange roses in his hands. He handed me a small note with a poem written on it.

"Not all roses are red, and nobody's like you
I wish I'd known from the start how much I'd care about you
Your eyes shine like stars that light up the night sky
And your smile is amazing, its something that turns my head as I walk by"

I look up from reading it, my face flushed red. A smirk on Kai's face interrupts my loud thoughts. He hands me the flowers and I nudge him in the shoulder as I continue to walk by.

The third was Luke, he had yellow colored roses. He handed me the flowers plus a small teddy bear. It was really really cute and really fluffy.

Mark came next and he had green roses with him. He placed a silver necklace around my neck and a heart was the pendant that was on it.

Then came my manager and she seemed really happy to be apart of all of this. She held blue roses in her hands and she gave me nothing else but a fact when she spoke.

"When someone gives you blue roses they're saying that they think you're 'extraordinarily wonderful and unique'." I smirked at that and said a thank you to her as I walked on to the last person with a rose.

Quinn. She had a smirk on her face and violet roses in her hands. Other than the roses was a small dream catcher attatched on a black string. "He wants his dreams to come true with you." She said as her smirk grew.

I was as red as a tomato by now and the night had only begun. Quinn ushured me to the roof of the cafe and once she closed the door behind me I heard loud laughter come from downstairs.
Word count: 944 words...❤💛💚💙💜

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