Good Deed

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Your P.O.V

'I, (Y/N) (L/N), do solemnly swear that I will serve and protect the Queen of Arendelle of all enemies at all costs and give my life for her, if needed. I swear I will obey the orders of the monarch and show true faith and loyalty to the same. I will respect and stay true to Her Majesty till God decides my time on this world has come to an end. With this oath, I acknowledge her reign and I rest my life in the hands of my ruler, of my Queen, of my savior'.

These words that had fallen from my lips this morning, were still lingering in my head along with the well-hidden smile of the Queen I was the only one to detect when I was taking my oath. She had been really welcoming and warm to me the whole day, and I didn't know how to feel about that.

I was walking to her study at the time. There was this battle inside my head about whether I should tell her the real reason I was there or not. I would have signed to become a castle guard one day, of course; I had promised my father to do so. But that would only happen when I was a little older and also ready for this. But at the moment, I was walking through the castle walls because of a stupid feeling that didn't seem to go away. It was getting to the point it felt like I was drowning in it. That was the reason I had decided to talk to her.

The Queen seemed to be feeling it too; the way she was acting and talking to me made me believe so. She cared and that showed. She even helped me 'fix' my uniform. It looked like she couldn't hold herself back.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of her office's door straight ahead. Everything in this castle was a little too big and that door wasn't an exception. Not that I minded.

It was already dark outside and most people on the castle had already gone to their chambers. We had been told that the Queen would stay up late to finish her paperwork, so we needed to stay in our positions a bit longer. That was a perfect chance to speak with the Queen in private and with no distractions. I lifted my hand to knock on the door but hesitated. What if this was a really bad idea? What if things went wrong and I got kicked out within seconds? What if I scared her off?

'And since when you care about people being scared off?!', a voice in my head shouted and I didn't know what answer to give myself. I didn't know the reason, I just cared. And the only way to find out why, was getting this off of my chest.

I sighed and straightened my back. "It's now or never", I whispered to myself, determined.

"Your Majesty?", I knocked on the door. No answer. 'Maybe she's too focused on her work', I thought. I knocked again. Still no answer. She probably had already left. I was ready to turn away and leave when I felt a sudden urge, like the one I had felt that first time I saw her at the village square, to open the door and get in just to leave her a note. My mind was screaming that this was crazy, that it would lead me to the dungeons and even my death, but my heart was telling me the otherwise. I never ever listened to my heart but this time, I did.

I looked around to see if anyone was nearby and was relieved to see I was alone. I slowly opened the door without making any sound and went in, quickly closing the door behind me the same way I opened it; noiselessly. I let out the breath I was holding and turned my head to the direction of the Queen's desk only to see Her Majesty asleep on it. My eyes widened in shock and I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing and my gloved hands were sweating. Was that really happening to me?

I almost broke the doorknob when I turned it clockwise to leave the room; this was a really bad idea after all. If she woke up and found me there, I was dead. I was ready to step out of there when I felt a cool breeze hitting the nape of my neck. I froze; had she woken up? I slowly turned my head to face my doom but when I saw the Queen still sleeping peacefully, my heart started beating again. But if this wasn't the Queen, what was it?

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