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(Α/Ν: Sorry for the long chapter. It's almost 6,000 words, so be prepared!)

WARNING: Mentions of blood.

Elsa's P.O.V

"Please, don't tell me you expect me to believe all of this."

I sighed for the millionth time that evening. "I do, Anna. You have to  believe it." She wasn't convinced and, sadly, I knew she wouldn't be from the very first moment.

"Are you even listening to what you're saying? What if all of this is just... a trick?", Anna blurted out the first thing that popped into her mind.

"But, Anna", I said once again, "I remember. And so does (Y/N). If you could just try, I'm sure you'd remember, too." I said, walking closer to her with pleading eyes. "Please."

She didn't say anything for a moment; I could see she was debating whether she should believe what I was saying or insist on her theories. Then, her gaze met mine and when she was about to share her decision, there was a loud knock on the door, which was soon flung open.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness!", one of the guards that entered called, stepping aside for us to see what he wanted to show us, "Look who we found."

I gasped and my heart began to race; no, that wasn't happening. No, no, no.

Restrained, with her head low, there stood (Y/N). Her gaze left the floor to meet mine, when she heard my gasp. She looked relieved to see me and yet so, so worried about everything else happening. No, let me rephrase that; she looked terrified.

And so I did. Hopefully, no one noticed.

"Let her go." I said, receiving the guards' awfully puzzled expressions.

"But Your Majesty", one of them protested, "we're executing orders. We were said to capture her and lead her to the dungeons, if we ever spotted her any near the castle or you."

"I never gave such order." I said coldly, "Princess Anna might have agreed to this, but I never did." I finished, emphasizing the last part. They all looked at each other, confused.

"Your Majesty", another said, "this woman is dangerous. I don't mean to offend you in any way, but I don't think you realize what this woman is capable of doing. And to prove that, I want you to look at what she managed to do to a skilled guard", he said, gesturing to a guard behind him. Soon, Hemming -also known as Fritjof- was standing in front of the other guards, bowing in respect. "If it wasn't for Fritjof, we wouldn't have found her. But if we hadn't heard him shouting for help, can you imagine what the 'She-devil' could have done to him?", he finished, referring to (Y/N) with one of the many names people had decided to call her.

"Your Majesty, please", she finally spoke, looking straight into my eyes, "this is a misunderstanding. Please, let me explain.", she pleaded, hoping she could get a chance to defend herself.

"I will", I said trying to conceal my emotions. I then turned to the guards again. "Let go of her." They all seemed hesitant and, basically, ignored my order.

"You heard your Queen. Let go of her", Anna, who hadn't said anything all this time, suddenly spoke, surprising both me and (Y/N). The guards finally let her, but kept on giving her 'death glares'.

"Now, please, leave us alone", I said, using my most regal voice, that would always make them obey. And this time, was no exception.

As soon as all of them left the room and closed the door behind them, I quickly ran to (Y/N). "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?", I took her hand in mine and cupped her cheek with my other one, with worry in my eyes that I'm sure she noticed.

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