Author's Note

1.5K 43 9

Wow. My first ever (finished XD) book has reached 1.3K reads! Thank you everyone for reading, commenting and voting, for supporting me and loving my book. You're all amazing!

I've read a few comments and I need your help with something: Do you want to see a sequel of "Back To You" or a completely new story? I'm mostly writing Elsa x Reader stories which are platonic, but I'm open to the idea of a romantic story being developed because, for me, a writer should give their readers what will make them feel contented. Besides, it would be fun to try writing something new!

Please, let me know your thoughts and I'll start working right away; 1)"Back To You" sequel with a) platonic story or b) romantic story?  or 2) New story?

I'll leave it up to you even though I may -or may not- have some ideas on my own ;)

Again, thank you everyone!

Back To You (Elsa x Female Reader) *PLATONIC*Where stories live. Discover now