Taking Care

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Elsa's P.O.V

"Dead? What do you mean?", I turned to my sister, after picking (Y/N)'s uniform up. Only then I noticed her hat on my desk. So, this was what I thought to be a pillow.

"I mean that she could have killed you! Seriously, have you any idea who she is?", Anna was almost screaming, frustrated.

"No, I don't" I admitted, making her look at me in disbelief.

"You're kidding, right?". I shook my head 'no' and her jaw dropped. "Have you heard of the "Cursed"? The "Bloody Child"? The "She-devil"?", she threw the questions on me and when I shook my head again, she facepalmed.

"I don't understand; what do these names have to do with (Y/N)?"

"Elsa, these are her names!", Anna practically screamed. I froze; that was what she meant when she told me people had given her many names. But why?

"W-what? But... why?"

"Why do people call her these names?". I nodded.

"You really don't know, do you?". I frowned. "She lost her parents at a young age under mysterious circumstances; it's said she killed them. After them, her uncle had custody over her but soon, he disappeared and no one has ever seen him since then. Rumors say he would wake up only to find her looking down at him, holding a knife with a creepy smile dancing on her lips. After he disappeared, she isolated herself from everyone. She stopped talking and her exits were few. No one ever understood how an eight-year-old kid managed to survive all alone. Anyways, as she grew up things started to get worse. People say they often saw her wandering around the forest at night, all alone. Others say they heard her screaming when the moon placed itself on the dark sky. And when she visited the village, everyone went silent; she glared at everyone who dared to block her way and the only sound that fell from her lips was her growl. She was always seen with a frown on her face, hovering over the coldest, darkest and most lifeless eyes this world has ever seen. Mothers tell her story to their children to stop them from staying outside late. Everyone is scared of her; the kids call the bench shes's sitting on "the bench of the vicious". She's like a shadow ghosting everyone's life and the fact that she's always seen wearing black, doesn't help at all".

I stared at my sister in shock; everything she told me was just too much and the way she described (Y/N) was... wrong. No, this wasn't (Y/N). (Y/N) would never hurt those she cared about the most; I could see it in her eyes, in the way she looked so proud wearing her father's uniform. Her eyes were deep, beautiful. (Y/N) was mysterious, yes, but she was also respectful and funny and protective (I mean, she had signed to protect me!) and also...caring. I remembered the way she looked at me after she saved me; she was worried. She cared. And the reason the guards were after her, was because she took care of me. Wait... oh no!

"Where is she now?", I asked my sister, worry taking over my body. (Y/N) wasn't the only one who cared.

Anna shrugged. "I don't know. I sent some guards after her, they will probably have catch her already. Don't worry, you're safe."

Her words hadn't reached the floor yet and I was already out of the room, running to find (Y/N), hoping these guards hadn't hurt her. Soon, I heard Anna running behind me.

"Elsa, where are you going?!"

I didn't care to answer. All I cared about at the moment, was (Y/N); these guards had better not hurt her.

"Let me go!", I heard her voice coming from the floor below. I followed the direction of her voice and found one guard struggling to hold her still while the other one was trying to protect himself from the raised fist of (Y/N), that was ready to punch him. Once she acknowledged my presence, she turned to me and her gaze immediately softened, her fist lowered and the guards took the opportunity to restrain her. I, on the other hand, almost burst into tears when I saw her face; her nose and bottom lip were bleeding and her left eye was slightly bruised.

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