Chapter 3: Bad News

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I was so nervous. I had to ask if everything was alright. But, Mr. Brown just looks at me with a blank look, a look that i have never seen before. So scared of the unknown, both of us left in the dark. I could see that in his eyes, he gives me a hug in front of the whole class and he whispers in my ear somethin. he tells me to go.

At that moment I didn't have the time to worry about embarassment. I look at Mackenzie and Abigail and they are looking at me with eyes of worry. Mr. Brown pushes me toward the door and I pushed it open. I walked slowly toward the principal's office; breathe in and breathe out | I kept thinking to myself. The principal's secretary looks at me with the same look Mr. Brown was looking at me. She clicks the button so I can be able to open the door. Entering the office was hard because i had no idea what he was going to say to me, but I never would've imagined what he had said to me.

He looked at me and he said "Do you have a ride home or do you own a car?"

I answer whille shaking "I own a car"

He looks at me and says In a very low voice "I am so sorry for interrupting your day Ms. Carlisle. But this is unexpected and I am so sorry for what i am about to tell you miss. I have received a call from Det. Piper from the NYPD with the homicide department"

I interrupt him thinking that he is about to tell me that he is going to tell me that they've found they're murderer and he tells me that the news has somehting to do with my family but nothing to do with my sibling's case.

He continues " I understand you lost three of your siblings years ago, right? I am so sorry but your parents... They..."

"What? What happened?"

"They have been murdered"

When I heard those words I fell in a shock. The principal tried to help me but instead I ran out of the office in complete despair. I fell to the ground, I couldn't breathe... the list of things to do kept piling up. For example, call Logan. What am I going to do? What am I supposed to do? I walked out of the office crying and hyperventilating. I have to do something. Walking down the hall I fell and started to cry when all of the sudden I hear someone scream my name. It was Jaxen. He ran towards me, grabbed me by the hand and asked me what was wrong. I couldn't speak, I was too busy crying and screamming uncontrollably. Jaxen looks at me and asks once again what's wrong.

I looked up at him and told him in the middle of my cries that my parents had died. But they are not dead by nature's making but by the making of a selfish human being. Jaxen grabs my bag and starts looking through it. Though usually I wouldn't let nobody touch my bag, I was to busy crying and replaying the last few moments. I asked him what was he looking for, he didn't answer though the second he took his hands out of my bag I knew he was actualling looking for my phone. 

"Who are you calling?" I asked him, he doesn't respond. So, I asked him the same question but more panicky... He looks at me and says very slowly that he was calling Nick. Nick as in Det. Nicholas Green...

"Why?" I had to ask.

"I don't... I have a few doubts and I am not going to leave all to you" he answered. 

"I have to call Logan" I said while breathing deeply and tears falling from my eyes.

"I can drive you where w need to go"


"The Police Department"

Jaxen stands up and gives me his hand to pull me up, and so I did. I had taken his hand. He was so gentle; he had one hand in my waist and the othe in my hand. I couldn't have a better guy around. When we reached his car he opened the passenger's door for me and walked around, and got himself in... Obviously entering from his side. He drove to the police department. Suddenly we arrive, it was a quiet ride, and I opened the door and got out of the vehicle while Jaxen was parking the car.

Confirmation was all I needed. Just someone please tell me this isn't just a joke nor a prank because that would have been the worst joke ever. I've lost people before, I don't need more people gone.

I ran inside and stormed into Det. Green's office. I yelled his name as he turned around. He looked at me with devastating eyes and I bring myself to ask one o the most painful questions ever. I started crying right then slowly but yet so quietly.

"Are they dead?  Please, don't lie to me... I don't... Tell me it's a joke." 

"Lailah... I am so sorry." he answered. Even though my siblings and I know him as Det. Green he was actually one of my father's best friends. Things couldn't have gotten worse, now could they?

I couldn't speak. Jaxen came in and looked at us... Me having a panick attack, falling to the ground and Nick quietly whimpering. Jaxen goes immediately where I am and picks me up. I hugged him.

I step back, look at him in the eyes to see if his deep blue eyes would help me forget - as if!

I said to him while trying to calm down "Logan. We... we have to call him"

But he didn't respond and Nick didn't interrupt. What am I going to tell Logan? What am I going to say when Lilly and Lindsey asks where are mum and dad? I don't know. I don't have a single clue. 

Moments later I have calmed down completely, still trying to keep my mind off of it though. I was sitting close to Jaxen but Nick wasn't with us. He was calling Logan, because frankly I couldn't bring myself up to tell my older brother that we had lost yet again family members. Nick had to tell the Captain that I was in his office though, I have no clue how that one go. 


Logan comes in running towards the office. He enters, looks at me and then he hugs me. He had questions, some questions I could answer some I couldn't. Not to mention the fact that I haven't told him about Jaxen. They haven't met yet... Logan looked at Jaxen as if he was some kind of alien, which made me laugh. He grabs my arm-

"Hey, little sis. I wanted to ask you about mom and dad but I have to ask, who is he?" he said.

"That's Jaxen. He is my... boyfriend"

Logan takes my arm and pulls me outside of the office.

"Excuse me?!?" he yelled.

"We're together. We have been for a couple of months now"

"when were you plannning to tell me?"

"Someday, but I never thought you'd be asking these questions when you found that our mum and dad are dead."  i said while my volume was getting higher by the second. 

I was starting to get angry because he was changing the main subject. Our parents were dead. I looked at jaxen and then I looked at him.  He calms down.

"I am going to pick up Lily and Lindsey but before that I want to talk with Nick. Where is he?"

I told himI didn't know, he's not where he said he was. An hour later Nick comes in but from my point of view it looked like he was in a rush. He puts a disk inside the computer and he turned on the TV; so we can see what he is seeing in the computer. He looks at Logan then at me.

"Are you guys sure you want to see this?" Det. Green asked us.

Logan looked at me and I nodded. He clicks the button on the computer and a picture pops up. It was the scene of the crime.  Jaxen walked up next to me and grabbed my hand. He whispered in my ear if i still wanted him in here with me... I did. Suddenly a picture shows up. The picture showed us their body's.

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