Chapter 1

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The pale guy wore his chic sunglasses that had been hanging loosely on his buttoned shirt as soon as he was done with his schedule of the day. His manager and some body guards helped him to pass through the crowd from the stage to the black van parked at the lobby of the mall.

Everybody chanted his name and screamed their love out loud.

"P' Tharn you're so fucking handsome!!!"
"I love you so much you're the only one!!"
"Be healthy and safe, P'!"

His fans were head over heels of him. Their words overlapped with one another, Tharn couldn't hear their whole sentences but knowing they would go crazy over his smile, Tharn flashed his white teeth at them and went to the extent of lowering his sunglasses only to give them a wink.

The crowd were going crazier since their favorite actor just threw them a bomb. Their screamed got louder even Tharn had to slightly covered his ear so he wouldn't get deaf.

Once he had climbed on his black van, his manager slammed the door before he got onto the driver seat. "You fucking did that intentionally!" Techno—his manager—spat at him the moment he started to push the pedal and slowly went away from the mall.

Tharn laughed since he knew his sassy manager hated that Tharn always made his work ten times harder than it already was. "Sorry, can't help. I'm that charming." The celebrity winked at Techno through the rear view mirror.

The other guy was glowering at him through the mirror while driving. He let out a long sigh and preached, "How many times I've told you to stop it, or not only you, but all that fans could get injured too from shoving one another. You know how crazy they are. The slightest fan service you give will make them go ballistic."

Tharn chuckled as he said sorry. But Techno knew Tharn never meant any of his apology. He would do that again next time as he was a quite troublesome actor to his manager.

Tharn Suppasit was the one and only son of Jake Suppasit, one of the richest men in the country based on the latest Forbes magazine. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and everything was so easy for him.

He didn't plan to be a celebrity at first, but his face was a waste if he didn't be one. Tharn accepted a few proposals from magazines to pose as their covers back in his campus days. Gradually, things turned out so well. The magazines he was in were all sold out.

He had been offered to join as one of the talents in so many agencies, but his old man told him to graduate first before he entered the showbiz.

He obeyed his Father and once he had graduated, he took the highest offer and it had been 4 years since then.

At the age of 27, Tharn had been leading the ladder of the entertainment world with not only his charm but also his skills in acting and music. He was an extraordinary young actor.

The movies he starred at were all winning the awards. He also had been awarded as the top newcomer in his first year at the showbiz. And for 2 consecutive years, he was awarded as the best male actor through his 2 movies.

As for this year, he had just finished filming and he was in the promoting period. No one would be surprised if he got awarded this year as well. He was just too talented.

And the most important thing was the fact that his old man approved him being a celebrity. He got a blessing from his Father after he managed to get the first award. Jake Suppasit acknowledged his son's skill but he also demanded Tharn to continue the business empire he had built.

So, Tharn was crazily squashed between his hectic schedules as a celebrity and a young businessman. He had to do both his works in paralel.

Now, Techno was driving him to the headquarter of Suppasit Corp as Tharn had done with his last schedule as a celebrity. He had been holding a fanmeeting at the mall, one of the promoting episodes of his new movie.

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