Chapter 8

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Tharn was savoring every kiss he shared with Type. The younger guy let him chewed his lips and invaded his tongue into Type's mouth. He heard Type already whimpered because of the activity they were doing.

He decided to let go of Type's that he had been eating. The lips became plumpy and fuller with a glossy and dark red color completed them. He desired to kiss those lips and dominate their owner, made Type lost under him.

But he knew, nothing good would come out of forcing himself to the other guy. If he were any girl, Tharn wouldn't have a second thought to jump at him. But it was Type before him. He was nothing like a girl, but the thing he made Tharn felt was more than a girl could give him.

Type was special, and he never wished to let Type slipped away from him just because of his stupidity. So, with all of his might, Tharn pulled himself away from Type.

Type was flustered, with his dreamy bambi eyes, he looked at Tharn confusedly. The kisses they shared were so good, they took Type's breath away. He chewed his wet lips to hide his disappointment.

Maybe he didn't meet Tharn's expectation. The actor had been kissing so many girls, he set his standard high, there was no way Type could compete with those girls.

Again, Type felt a wave of disappointment crashed his heart. He was wishing for the impossible. He could never be that good in sexual things. Type was timid, he had never kissed anyone yet, so he had absolutely zero experience in that particular area.

Even his escort didn't involve any kissing. He should have initiated one and practiced with the girls before kissing the actor he straddled on.

He wanted to return the same amount of excitement Tharn had given him. Tharn was surely on another level by the technique he used while kissing him. It made Type surrendered right away.

It tasted so good, no wonder girls were coming back for more of him.

Type became more and more uncomfortable with his own thought. Luckily, Tharn made him stop thinking by saying that he needed to shower. The younger guy hurriedly climbed down from Tharn's laps and set himself on the couch. He watched Tharn's figure disappeared as he entered his own room.

Since he was dragged to follow Tharn earlier, he left his belongings at the club. He was lucky enough he got his phone in his jeans pocket. He had been having his phone switched off during his shift, and when he switched on his phone, he received many texts and missed calls from his manager.

Shit! He left in the middle of his shift. No wonder if his manager was mad at him. He gulped down the lump in his throat before he hit the contact and called his manager. He was so going to be fired.

"Type!! Where are you? You left N' Mint just like that when I have told you how big his Father influence is towards this country???" Type's manager ranted right away as soon as he answered the call.

"I'm sorry, P'... I was... I was having an important thing.." Type told a white lie. Well it was not wholly a lie though, since Tharn was definitely an important matter to him.

"Can you get your ass back to work? And would you extend your shift until 2 AM? We're short-handed and you chose to go missing in the busiest day and hour." Type could hear a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

But he preferred it this way rather than having his ass kicked out and be jobless instead. Type agreed to go back to the club. But he had to excuse himself to Tharn first because he was still minding his manner.

Tharn was back with comfortable dark blue pajamas and had a towel slung on his shoulder. Type hurriedly got up and bowed, "S—, Th-Thara, I need to go." He still found it awkward to call Tharn by his name without any formalities or seniority call.

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