Chapter 27

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Hi, everyone...
Ready for another tears?


It was a bit difficult for Lhong to get Type's address at his hometown since the faculty was a bit strict to provide personal information like this. Moreover, the one who asked was not someone family-related to Type himself. In the end, Lhong failed to get it.

Tharn was so frustrated he spent his time locked in his spacious apartment unit while trying to use his power to get the address since Lhong failed to get it. But it took a lot more time than he thought since he still wasn't as powerful as his father was.

Talk about his father, the actor had been losing contact with his old man since the night he fought with him. Jake had not been contacting him either. Nothing had come from the old man, even no apologies Tharn had ever received from his old man since he left.

The actor was running his lean and long fingers through his hair, he had not even showered for two days. There was no motivation in him to do that. All he did was drinking the liquor until he passed and woke up the next morning with a massive headache that was still incomparable with his heartache. It was safe to say that this was the greatest heartbreak he had ever felt after his mother left years ago.

He thought there would never be a day like this anymore since he had given up feeling any kind of love when his mother chose to run away with her lover years ago, leaving the two males of the Suppasits mending their broken hearts on their own. Tharn healed himself as he was growing up. His father never bothered to talk or explain to him what happened, Tharn had to learn the truth by himself. It had been so long since it happened, and both never talked about her ever again, as if it was the unspoken rule in the household. And finally, the day it came afloat was the day he confronted his father over the lover that left him.

Tharn still refused to believe that Type was only after his money. He needed that money in the first place for his mother. What they had was real, the love was real. Tharn could tell from the way Type acted around him that the younger guy returned his feelings as much as he had given to him. But what confused him was the fact that Type chose to leave him instead of telling him? Was it because he was going to donate his kidney to his mother? Well, Tharn admitted that if the younger man told him that idea, Tharn would try to talk to him and find another donator. Was it really because Type didn't trust him?

The owner of the unit was popping off the second bottle for the night. He had drunk the first bottle yet, the liquor still was not strong enough to cloud his mind. The pain he felt was still stinging and it was unbearable. In hopelessness, Tharn gulped down the alcohol right from the bottle without bothering to pour it to the glass first.

Once again, he shed a tear and he wiped it off immediately. The actor thought his eyes were already dead tired and could not shed any more tears, but he was wrong. Even though he was tired of crying, fresh drops of tears kept streaming down his face no matter how many times he rubbed his eyes. Tharn dived his face between his bending knees while he was crying silently at the corner of his messy room.

Still in tears, he pulled out his phone and tried to call his lover once again. There had never been a day without him ringing his lover for weeks, in hope that his call would get through the line and that guy would answer the call instead of the voicemail. No texts or calls had been returned.

The thought of something bad happening to Type would only give him more anxiety as if Tharn was running out of time. He wished that it was just another stubborn way of Type showing him that he was really leaving him. It was better that way than the idea of something bad happened to the younger guy which made him unable to answer the call.

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