Chapter 6

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Hi people, long time no see!
it's been like 4 days only yet I feel like a month already passed by lol.

Been so busy and tired. But I'm okay, though.'Just wanna update you guys hahaha even when nobody asks me 😂😅


Type was awkwardly fidgeting on his seat as he glanced at the half-naked Tharn Suppasit was having his back facing the younger guy while he was making toasts. When he woke up, Tharn had been occupied himself in the kitchen and told him to wait at the barstool like last night when the superstar cooked him a steak.

Type could not understand things that happened last night. One minute, Tharn told him to strip as he stripped his clothes off. But then, he withdrew himself when Type was going to commence his service.

He couldn't help but think that he had done something that turned Tharn off. Maybe the actor had realized that he couldn't do guys. Maybe because he saw that the fluffy boobs were missing, instead he only got a flat one.

Type had never gotten a worse insecurities than this one. He never even worried or felt bad about coming from a medium to low class family. He didn't even let the fact that he was a boy from a broken home family affect him. But the thing that he was nowhere like girls definitely tolled his mind.

Maybe the actor finally realized that Type was no woman. He got a flat chest instead of a pair of round boobs dangling on it. The fact that Type was a guy turned him off for sure. And Type couldn't help but feeling disappointed with himself too.

Tharn was definitely straight. Type had made sure of that one fact last night when he couldn't fall aslepp after Tharn left him alone in his room. The actor was a womanizer since he was a teen. He never even responded to gay men his whole life now.

Then why would someone as straight as Tharn asked for his escort days ago? The possibility of Tharn playing a game with his friends was high. Maybe they put on a bet whether Tharn could sleep with a guy or not. And apparently, Tharn could not get himself to do so.

Type had to squeeze himself to sleep with a heavy feeling last night since he had to attend class tomorrow. It was almost dawn when he was finally able to fall asleep.

Tharn pulled Type out of his own thought when the older guy set the their breakfast by the bar table. He hopped onto the barstool across Type's, still with his bare chest.

Shit. Type couldn't help but cursed when the uncomfortable feeling haunted him again.

"You prefer me cooking you steak?" The older guy asked as he saw Type was yet to eat the breakfast. He only stared blankly while fiddling the toast with his fork.

"Huh?" Type was both confused and flustered.

Tharn tilted his chin to point at Type's plate, "You don't like toast?"

Type hurriedly shook his head when he finally got what the actor was talking about. Then, he even ate almost a half of the toast in one bite, "I like anything. I'm not a picky eater."

Tharn curved a smile as he took a bite too. "Tell me if you want more. I can make you some more." He winked at the younger guy before him.

Type had to lower his gaze so he could hide his nervousness. Tharn was dangerous for his health because his heart was constantly racing whenever that actor was nearby. Even when Tharn didn't do anything.

While they were eating the breakfast in silence, Tharn chose to broke it by saying, "Would you ever let me know your bank account details?"

That rendered Type to stop chewing his food. He finally tilted up his head and met with Tharn's eyes that had been looking at him for a while now.

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