The two dragonslayers were heading towards the guild after a good nights rest. "We're back!" Ruben yelled as he kicked open the door. They looked around at all of their friends chatting or fighting. Cana was drinking as usual along with Macao and Wakaba. Erza was eating her strawberry cake peacefully but that was interrupted by a fight between Natsu and Gray. Erza then knocked both of the boys to the floor painfully while giving them a death glare. "Stop fighting!! You destroyed my cake!!" She yelled angrily and was prepared to do even more damages to them. Rey went over to a table that was occupied by Lucy and Wendy while Ruben went over to Mira to tell her about his broken arm which he had forgotten about yesterday. She lead him into the infirmary so that she could have a look at his arm. "So anything new happen while we were gone?" Rey asked the two girls as he smiled. "Not exactly. Just the normal fun days here at the guild." Lucy said as she looked at the dragonslayer. "Actually yesterday we heard that Gray had taken Juvia out on a date." She continued as she smiled. Rey had then decided to tell them about the mission he and Ruben had gone on. "Ruben broke his arm?! Is he ok?" Wendy asked worry in her voice. "Yea he's fine. He'll be over here in a bit." Rey said smiling.
Rey P.O.V
I wouldn't admit it to anyone but I had gained a slight crush on the blue haired dragonslayer across from me. I don't know when I began to like Wendy this way but I don't mind that I do now. She smiled back at me which had caused me to blush a bit so I looked over to the infirmary door so I could hide my blush. I saw Ruben come out of the infirmary wearing a cast on his left arm. "Ruben!! Over here!" I yelled to get his attention. He looked over at me and smiled walking over to the table. "How's your arm feeling?" I asked trying to act as if I wasn't worried. I was worried but he didn't need to know that. "It's feeling fine. Mira went ahead and put this cast on though. I really didn't wanna wear it but I had to." Ruben explained as he glared at the cast on his arm. He then sat down and began talking to Lucy about something that I wasn't even listening to. I just looked over at Wendy and smiled thinking is I should tell her I like her or not. After a minute of thinking it over I decided to do it tonight. "Hey Wendy." I said as I sat down next to her. "Yes Rey?" She looked at me as she said that. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tonight." I said smiling and looking at her waiting for an answer. She smiled and said, "Sure I'd like to." I felt really happy just then as I can finally tell her how I feel. "I'll see you tonight then. We can meet up here at the guild." I told her as I got up. "I've got to head out for a little bit." I continued as she nodded and I walked out of the guild after saying goodbye. I walked through the town for a while looking around at the shops and restaurants. When I noticed a certain shop I stopped thinking back to the day Ruben and I joined fairy tail. Natsu had brought us there without even thinking about it. I laughed a bit thinking about it and how Ruben, Natsu, Gray, and I all ended up fighting each other as soon as we joined. After that I began my walk back home which was a small little house that the guild helped Ruben and I get. I walked into the house and turned the lights on heading straight for the kitchen. Grabbing a cup I filled it up with a bunch of ice and began eating it.
Time skip: later at night...
It was finally time for me to head out and meet Wendy so I ran out still in the same clothes as we weren't really on a date or anything. I noticed a figure with long blue hair standing outside the guild and I smiled running over to her. "Hey Wendy!" I said excited about getting to spend time with my crush. "Hi Rey. So what are we gonna do?" She asked me with a small smile on her face. "Well we can walk around the town for a while and see what we can find." I suggested. She nodded and we began our walk around the town.
??? P.O.V
As soon as I arrived in Magnolia I picked up Rey's scent. I quickly followed arriving at the fairy tail guild. I jumped onto a building deciding to wait for the right moment. I watched as I saw a blue haired girl outside the guild waiting for someone. Soon Rey appeared and they eventually began walking together. I followed them both from the rooftops as I continued to just watch them. They eventually stopped in front of a shop when Rey began explaining something and I decided that now was the time. I jumped off the rooftop lighting a black flame around my hand as I slammed it into the ground next to them sending a shockwave through the ground. It knocked them both through the store shattering the glass windows and the lights in the street blew out creating sparks around. I walked into the store noticing I knocked both unconscious. "I should really learn to not use so much power." I said as I lifted them both up and dragged them away.
Well here's the next chapter everyone. I hope you all enjoyed it. Leave any likes or reviews. Who do you think this new mage is and is he a dragonslayer or not? Let meh know what you think.

The Son of Acnologia
FanfictionRey and Ruben are two dragonslayers who have recently joined the fairy tail guild. Returning from a mission they end up having more trouble on their hands with the return of acnologia and the arrival of a new dark mage looking for Rey. What does thi...