Chapter 5- Painting the Town

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No ones pov

The sound of engines roaring rang down the street as two bikes come driving down the street. one yellow and black bike and one black with red headlights park outside Juniors bar. Removing their helmets we see that it's Yang and Y/N with Neptune sitting on the back of Yang's bike, Shaken up from the fast ride.

Yang: "Come on, my friend's right in here!"

Yang steps off her bike and turns it off before starting to walk towards the door of the building with Y/N behind her with his helmet in his hand.

Y/N: "mind telling us who this friend of yours is?"

Yang: "Oh you will see."

Looking back towards the bikes we see Neptune fixing up his messed up hair and goggles before stepping off.

Neptune: "Mind explaning where exactly"

Inside Juniors bar we see Junior standing by his bar fixing his cuffs then starts polishing a glass, his henchmen seem to be putting everything in place while some are just standing around. until..

Henchmen: "Hurry! Close the doors, she's coming!"

The man and another henchmen proceeds to roll the doors shut and holds them close with their bodies. Junior walk out from behind his bar and glares over at the two.

Junior: "What are you idiots doing?!"

The two henchmen shout incoherently for others to help block the door while shouting over and over that she is coming. their shouts go on until the door blasts open sending the two to the ground, through the smoke from the explosion walks Y/N and Yang with Neptune behind them.

Yang: "Guess who's back!"

Yang smiles as eight henchmen point their guns at her, she stops smiling and glares up at the music booth as the music has messed up. the frightened DJ with a bear head pop up and moves the needle of the track before retreating behind cover again.

Neptune: "So, can you define the word friend for me? because this isn't how Sun greets me when we see each other"

Y/N: "Yeah, wasn't expecting to have guns pointed at my face tonight."

the henchmen keeps their guns still aimed at the group until Junior makes his way through the crowd.

Junior: "Stop, stop! Nobody shoot. Blondie, you're here...why?"

Yang: "You still owe me a drink"

Yang walk up and grabs Junior by the arm then proceeds to drag him to the bar, through the hired guns.

Y/N: "Sometimes i wonder how these girls haven't gotten themselves killed yet"

Neptune: "Don't ask me, you have known them longer then i have"

Y/N simply shrugs before following Yang while Neptune still stands at the doorway, watching the two team members walk away before looking over at the twins next to him.

Neptune: "Sup?"

Melanie and Miltia: "Whatever"

The two twins walk away with their noses in the air, leaving Neptune by himself.

Timeskip brought by chibi Y/N and chibi Yang yelling at chibi Junior

Y/N Pov

standing by the bar you look at Junior as he puts down his glass as he stands on the opposite side of us from the bar.

Junior: "I don't know!"

Yang: "How can you not?"

Junior: "I haven't seen him since the night you came here."

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