Chapter 1

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A thunder crack rumbles in the sleeping neighborhood. Dark clouds come together and blanket the night sky.

Unlike the sleeping neighbors, I am wide awake with my imagination running wild. I watch the window as raindrops smack their liquid bodies on the glass pane. Only a sliver of light sparkles the water droplets.

Outside my room, a perfect neighborhood exists with ease and synchronized plans. Not a grass out of place. No gloom or trouble present.

Everyone shares kindness. Smiles and laughter pass between every individual.

But, as the neighborhood's laughingstock, they laugh at me more than with me.

I shiver under three blankets as I remember the neighbors' kids' hateful words. Masking their true personalities, they are the quiet bullies of this perfect town.

My bedroom's temperature drops, feeling as the air conditioning blares out Antarctica air.

I close my eyes and imagine a world out of this. A world with pleasant flowers and the sun beating my lightly-tanned skin.

What they don't know about me gives an excitement to course through my veins. With excitement comes with a unique power that can be used in the imaginary.

I stabilize my breathing, Electricity runs within my veins as I feel it working. Take me away from this world and to a new one!

Sleepiness takes over and my dreams take control. Darkness transports me in a familiar sensation.


The reeking smell of feces invades my nostrils. Horses neigh and thump their hooves, waking me from my position.

"Oh! This is gross!" I exclaim. I sit up from the hay. So much for asking for sweet-smelling flowers.

I examine my clothes. Brown, dirty, and rag-like clothes and a weighted satchel on my shoulder are the only things that I own. So, this is the world my dream powers take me to tonight

I stand up and pat my body to remove any hay bale or any feces sticking on my clothes. Thankfully, there are none.

Clanking metal thumps on the ground in front of me. I became face to face with an armored figure. As metal scrapes with leather and another metal, a sharp sword is drawn and threatens my life. It sits dauntingly near my nose.

"You there! You are under arrest for stealing!" A tall, skinny guard states haughtily. His back erect as his chin turns up in the air. Other soldiers surround me with their swords drawn.

I look at them incredulously. "Wait, what?"

The guard rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Don't play dumb with me, peasant! You were seen by a villager stealing apples! Show us your satchel!" He orders.

I grind my teeth lightly and scowl at the man. My dreams are gonna kill me one day if it doesn't stop sending me into these situations!

I slowly open my satchel I have. Three pears are inside and neatly packaged. I sigh in relief.

The guard sputters in disbelief. His face turns red and gapes like a fish out of water. "You-- Come with us! You are still condemned for stealing! It might be those pears!"

I shake my head at this man's attitude. These kinds of men appear in my dreams every night. No matter where I go there is a guy who has egotistical values.

Four guards including the red-faced man drag me straight to the castle.

I gape in awe as the giant structure looms over my small figure. What does it feel like to be royalty? It must be nice.

Servants and other villagers look at me with pity as the guards drag me to the King's throne room. They throw me to the carpet floor.

The king, the queen, the princess, and the king's five advisors all watch my lying figure.

"Your majesty!" The red-faced man said, bowing extravagantly. "This thief stole your precious pears and keeps hindering our duty as the royal guard!"

My head shoots up. "Wait!" I look at the King and lower my head. "Your Majesty, he accuses me of stealing apples, not pears. These are from my family's farm from..." Sweat beads my brow as I think of an escape strategy. "...another kingdom. My relatives recently visited. Yes! Recently visited!" The lie slips off my lips.

The man on the throne strokes his beard. "Is that so? From what kingdom, child," he asks, leaning forward.

I freeze. I don't know much about the layout of this world! I take a deep breath and hopefully, I can keep my head on my neck. "The Northern Kingdom, my King." I bow again for good measure.

The King's eyes lighten in delight. "Well, Gerald, you will do the kingdom's paperwork for two weeks for accusing the lady harshly."

The guard's smug face resorts back to its fumbling surprise. "B-But sire! I saw-"

"It doesn't matter what you saw." The king interjects. "And you, young lady."

"Yes, Your Majesty?" I smile innocently.

He gestures to the Princess. "You seem nice and trustworthy. I would need a helping hand. You are to be friends with my daughter and be her guard."

I blink at him. "Say what now?" I ask the same time as the princess jumps up, fuming with rage. "Father! I am all grown up! I don't need a guard!" She complains.

He stares at his daughter down, causing a hidden dominating aura to fill the room. "You are still a princess of this kingdom and our only child. I don't want to hear any more of this, Bastia," the king warns.

She huffs and sits down again. Her arms wrap around her chest, crinkling her purple butterfly-themed dress. She looks about my age but acts like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

The Queen sighs at the spectacle. With her erect back, she has the most majestic appearance out of the three royals. "I agree with my husband. Princess Bastia, your wedding is coming soon. Someone your age needs to straighten you to the right path."

The red-faced guard stands agape. "Your Majesties?! You will allow a child to protect your daughter?! Won't she need someone... older and more experienced than..." He glanced at me in disgust. "that?"

The King leans back on his fluffed throne and holds his wife's hands. "They will be fine. I'll make sure of it," He dismisses everyone with a wrist flick.

I grin at the princess and wave kindly. "Fake it until you make it, Blaire. You can do this," I whisper under my breath.

I smile and bow as simply as a peasant. "I am Blaire Hughes. Nice to meet you, Princess."

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