Chapter 9

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I rush out of my room to get a glass of water. I need to think. I need to absorb what the angel said to me.

As I walk down the stairs, I hear soft lock clicks from the front of my house. The doors open as my parents walk in, tiredly.

"Where is my sweet Blaire, dear?" sings my mother as she removes her black high heels. She massages her red, sore feet, but smiles at me nonetheless.

I run towards them. "Mom! Dad! You are hime early! I couldn't believe it!" I exclaim, hugging them.

"Well, the company wants us to take a short break with our beloved daughter," my dad coos, pinching my cheeks.

I pull away as gently as I can. "Ow, dad! I told you I am not a kid anymore," I love our playful banter between parents and a child.

They both laugh. "You are still a child in our eyes, sweetie." My mom brushes my messy hair with her fingers. "You went on a journey again, haven't you?" She murmurs.

My eyes twinkle. They always take my stories as some made up tale. "Yeah, I had a dream! Angels fighting demons, but they were actually in love! It is like a rendition of Romeo and Juliet. It was sad!"

"From the sounds of it, it does," my dad says, kissing mom in the cheek. "If I am forbidden to love this woman beside me," he wraps an arm around her waist. "I do not know what will I ever accomplish in life."

I smile at the scene, wishing I could find someone like that too.

Suddenly, another doorbell rings.

Both my parents frown, questioning who could it be. "Blaire, go upstairs for now. I believe there will be some adult talk for now."

I follow their orders, but instead of going upstairs, I hide in the kitchen. I couldn't help my curiosity and eavesdrop on the conversation.

My parents voice mutter softly with another pair of voices from the living room.

I slowly creep and press my ear on the door. Their quiet voices does not resonate and I have a hard trouble hearing them. I frown. "Experiment almost completed....must take... Other kids... perfect..." A male's voice grumbles.

I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen. I make three glasses of water and chug them down to clear my mind. Every time I am left alone, my thoughts wander back to Mallory. Sweet Mallory...

I slap myself. Get a grip on yourself!

I am about to slap myself again when I hear my mom's crazy shriek. "NO! Not today! I won't allow you!" My mother shouts from the living room. "Was this the reason for our early release? Then I would gladly want to work than sit and do nothing if this is going to happen!"

Won't allow to do what?

I try to sneakily walk into the living room. The door creaks softly and announce my presence to everyone.

Two people in an all black suit looks at my direction. I couldn't see their expression underneath their dark shades. They don't bother to remove them even in a dimly lit room.

My eyes travel to them then to my parents. "Mom? Dad? What's happening?"

Dad tried to smile. "Go to your room, sweetie. We will explain to you later," he says through gritted teeth.

"There would be no later." The lady in black states. She stands up. Her boots thud against the wooden floor as she takes giant steps.

I move a step back. "Mom? Dad? What is happening? Are they going to take me somewhere?!" I ask, anxiously. "I will not go with them! You said so yourself, mom! Right?"

"You must, darling... They said you should. They will explain what is happening better than we can," she sobs.

The lady grabs both my shoulders. I try to squirm away, but I am always weak.

I cannot save Mallory and the team. I was not able to protect Beatrice and her demon lover, Malcolm... How can I protect myself?

"639, dose her now with syringe P. She will have a calming nap. It will relax her and soothe all her nerves."

"I will not be relaxed! Let go of me!" I try to kick any part of her body, but my short legs can't reach anything! Why must I have all the disadvantages in this world?

The other person in black injects my arm with some kind of liquid that instantly makes my body limp.

"Sweet dreams, little one," The lady's face blurs and her voice slurs.

With one desperate plea, I call for my parents as the two people carry me away. I could see their white coat still on their shoulders. A small patch sewed on the white cloth.

How did I just see that now? They work for them. All this time, my parents slave themselves away for some unknown cause. All for the government.

Even in the beginning, I have no allies. I am left with little to no resources. The people I trusted are pawns to the game.

Mom... Dad...

Darkness takes over me, and I slump on the the all-black lady's van's leather seats.

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