Chapter 11

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Cold air seeped into my bare skin. I started to shiver and clenched my fists. My teeth chatter as I lay on something... Something hard, cold, and metal?

Where am I?

Groaning, I opened my eyes.

Bright lights from multiple lamps shined down at my face, causing me to squint to see my surroundings.

I felt inclined to use my arms to block the light, but something strapped my body immobile.

Gasps echoed in the room.

"Code 21! Shut off the machines!" A female voice barked. "Subject 293 escaped from the experimental process! Dose her!

What is happening? Is this... my real world?

Machines scream a never-ending high pitch screech. "Error! Error!" It beeps.

As my eyes start to close, I pull on my restraints as hard as I can, making the machine beep furiously.

"Why is it still awake?! We kept it down for years?! Where did our calculations go wrong?!" A female scientist shrieks. "Increase the sleeping dosage now!"

I struggle as best as I can. I will not fall again in their trap. The only thing I am wearing is a hospital gown. A mask on my face excretes air. Maybe it has sleeping gas incorporated within it.

One of my hands snaps a restraint and removes the gas mask. "Who are you all?! Why am I here?!" I demand, hoarsely. I breathe heavily as if after years of staying in an experiment, I finally got the first whiff of fresh air.

I slowly stand up and remove my other restraints.  I walk towards the glass and bang on it. "Stop with this! All of it! Take me back to my home! My life!" I shout. I look around. I grab a chair and lift it. With all my might, I slam the wood onto the glass, making splinters to rain down on my side. 

"Guards! Take it back to the basement," a male's voice orders. "before the package ruins itself!"

The metal walls slide open. Two strong arms grab each of my arms and carry me out of the cold room. My blurry eyesight sees the cold metal table I was sleeping in. How long was I asleep in that dream? Ms. Brianna...



The rebel group...

Beatrice and Malcolm...


With all my strength, I twist and turn away from the strong grip. I yell and shout at them to let me go. I will not go down without a fight. 

"You should stop struggling in the future. You will only get into deep trouble," one guard threatens.

"What happened since I was asleep?" I ask as I am dragged away to who knows where. "Let me go! I need to get answers from them! I demand to know!"

The other guard shakes my weak body. "Shut up!" He shouts.

"Hey, careful with it. It is one of the longest experiments they had. If it gets injured, we lose our jobs," the first guard scoffs.

Both guards pull and throw me in a white cell. I land with a thud, making me groan in pain. Another series of beeps close a strong glass door. I try to stand, but my legs can't move. It is like they haven't been upright for a long time.

I drag myself to the door and weakly bang on it.

Was everything about my life fake? How about my parents? Were my powers real at all or was I just imagining like a child fearing the monsters in their closet?


I curl on the floor and hug myself. Please... Let me see him again. I close my eyes.

Even though I heard that I slept for years, I couldn't help, but be tired. I fall into a deep sleep.

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