Chapter 14

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Dressed up in soldier's clothes, I trudge up to the daunting tall corporate building. The structure looms darkly, making my body shiver in fear each time I take a step. I stand by my resolve and puff out my chest. I set a determined eye, hopefully, no one sees through my facade.

I sneak into the back, keeping my eyes straight as best as possible. As I turn to the corner, three guards laugh to themselves. I eavesdrop as best as I can.

"It's crazy!" One guard whispers excitedly like a gossiping fanatic. "I've never seen any serious action here until now!"

"Yeah, have you heard? The elite soldiers brought back the rebel leader. I heard they place him in the basements now. No prisoner can get out of there alive," another guard chuckles. He leans against the wall and yawns. "This little rebellion will end soon with an execution."

I gasp. I press a hand on my mouth. No, Mallory can't die.

Both guards look at my direction and raise their weapons- a spear-like weapon with a deadly laser at the tip. What kind of world is this?! "Hey is anyone there?! Speak now! I order you!"

I swallow my instinct to run away and will my feet to move out of my hiding spot. I clear my throat and deepen my voice. "Hey, guys. I just couldn't help but overhear the news," I try to say in a calm matter. I glare at both of them. "You know what? As an advanced soldier, clearly a level higher than you both, I have the power to alert my commanders! Do your job!" I lie through my teeth.

I live in a life filled with lies. Might as well be a part of my world.

They salute to me. "Sir, yes, sir!" They say in unison.

"Good, now stop gossiping like females and focus on your jobs," I mutter as I walk past them. I bump their shoulders to give a threat. It didn't budge them at all, making me look weaker. I glare at them and move on.

I round the corner and sigh. "The basements, huh..." I quickly look around to find the so-called basement.


After a series of doors, pretending and walking, I finally came upon a massive door. This part differs from the rest of the facility. Instead of white futuristic themed doors, these doors are black with a red outline, like someone went to hell and stole Lucifer's door.

I conjure a small card with a fake name and swipe it on a small box beside the door.

The basement smells of blood, sweat, tears, and other things that I cannot pinpoint. It smells like death traveled here and took a vacation for a century or two.

"Mallory? Are you in here? Mallory?!" I call out to him quietly. My boot crunches on the gravel and small rocks beneath my feet.

When I did not hear any response from him, I start to lose hope. No matter. With the gun he gave me before, I tiptoe close to a sleeping guard. I place the gun's barrel close to his forehead and pulled the trigger.

The loud bang echo across the narrow pathway of the basement. All sounds became silent. Not even a small clank of chains can be heard. The body instantly falls to the floor. Even in the dark, people can see a horrifying limp outline on the chair. A bit of his splattered blood and other bits and pieces of his organ mark the walls.

My hands shake with fear. I just killed someone, but why do I not regret it? I shot a person... With trembling hands, I hastily unclip the prison keys and start to free the prisoners from their cages and chains. "South... The rebel camps are in the South... If you remember where the forests are, they hide there. Tell them, Blaire and Mallory saved you. Travel in small groups," I advise the first group I free. "If you all band up, you might all be able to stop them. I saw the weaponry room just two hallways from here."

I repeat them again with the other cells. Soon enough, some teens already made a secret passage and were just waiting for the right time. Another group already had a passage to the weaponry.

"Were you all with the rebel group?" I ask them.

They nod. "We heard you shout Mallory, but we couldn't get to you. All these bars are soundproof. No one from the outside can hear our cries and screams... nor our plans for escape. Thank you, Bea."

I laugh awkwardly. "I-I am not Bea. My name is Blaire. I am just trying to find Mallory and help him."

Like Fury, Diane, and Harry from my world, the teens look at me with confusion. "But you look like Bea..."

"No time to explain," I mumble. "Does anyone know where Mallory is?"

"The guards took him down here for a while to threaten and make him feel miserable. Then, I heard they are taking him to the top of this building. We don't know what they are doing with him there," A female responds.

I nod and cock my head to one side. "Okay, proceed with the plan to escape. I promise I will bring Mallory back to the group. This fight will end with us as victors. I will assist and lay my life down for this cause. I believe in each and every one of you! Let's end this!"

They all cheer quietly. "Are you sure you are not Bea?" The guy asks again.

"Let's just say I am a version of her."

I left the teens to their escape and the guard's keys in their hands. I take a deep breath. "Keep this rebellion alive and bring justice." I lift the mask again and travel to the top floor, faking guard clearance along the way.

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