Chapter 15

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I take a deep breath and pull my only shield that blocks my identity low. I straighten the dark armor fabric and tighten a small belt.

I have to look like them and play the part. All-day, I try to find Mallory, yet I didn't wake up ever since. What has been happening in my world? How about Fury, Diane, and Harry?

More serious guards patrol the upper floors, making me feel for Mallory's lucky gun on my hidden waistband.

As I continue to travel, mahogany doors burst open on one end of the hallway. I see five guards hold a trashing person. A person with brown hair and grey eyes.

"Mallory..." I choke out in a gasp.

He stops moving and turns his head my way.

I mouth to him that I will follow and save him.

He shakes his head violently as if silently telling me to not do anything.

As the guards move past me, I follow with my own makeshift plan. Mallory moves around again. "I knew you all would do something like this!" He shouts at the guards, but his words are directed to me. "You all need to find shelter or your boss will hunt you down. You all don't have much time!"

I ignore his words, making him even more frustrated. WIthin his expression, vulnerability and sadness swirls within his grey irises.

I mouth that I will not stop and save him. For Bea and the other rebels. They need Mallory.

The guards drag Mallory to a room. I follow them inside with the other guards. Behind us, shoes clack on the white tiles, slowly...calmly... ominously...

Beside me stood a tall man of about six feet five. His tailored suit accents his gray hair with few specks of brown and hard grey eyes. He excretes the aura of dominance and power.

Every soldier salutes and I follow their lead. "Welcome, Sir Garrison."

I withheld everything in me to look at the man fully in surprise. He can't be the same guy. Mr. Garrison, I know plants suspicious flowers and complain about his back every often. Mr. Garrison is a grouchy man with stained t-shirts. He is not the same distinguished man with wealth in his hands. Well, I am in a dimension after all. I should remember where I am.

"Evening, Mallory. Done with playtime and ready to submit?" The man's deep voice makes my body shiver in fear. The tone may be calm, but it was laced with poisonous words and hatred.

Mallory scoffs. All playfulness and Peter pan cockiness left him. The only thing that was left is a business-like being who grew up too fast. "I would never tell you anything. You will never find her."

The man laughs. "Yes, yes... she is in one of your hidden playhouses. Don't you ever learn that I will destroy this little rebellion? With or without your girl-toy. You found a replacement for Bea. A sweet thing, she is." The shoes hit the tiles as he walks around a kneeling Mallory.

Mallory grits his teeth. "You have no right to talk about Bea or her that way!" he snaps at the man.

"Did I hit a nerve? I did the same to your mother when she hid you away from me. I hit her every nerve with my fucking gun," Mr. Garrison clicks his tongue and chuckles darkly.

Mallory shouts and swings his fists at the composed man. "I will protect her. She will not go the same path as to where Bea and my beloved mother went through!"

The man is faster than him, grabbing Mallory's fists into his palm. He chuckles louder as he leans closer. "Boy, you cannot protect anyone if she is close and plays with fire."

He snaps and instantly guards all around me takes hold of all my arms. My eyes reach Mallory who pales. I regret my decision. I should have listened to him and made a concrete plan.

The man's focus is not on Mallory, but on me. He cocks his head to one side, curiously. "Ah, you are the one we are talking about. Oh how much you've grown, Blaire." He removes my hood and lowers the mask. My long hair tumbles out.

I glare at him. "Congrats, Mr. Garrison, you found me. Oh, what should I do?" I mock.

"I consider advising you to wake up back to your jail cell, but where would the fun be in that?" He smirks.

I should not have been shocked, but I am. He must have noticed because he chuckles like this is some funny game. "I have watched you since you were young, traveling through dreams, experiencing different dimensions. Why you are like my disobedient son! So many similarities!"

The spear-like weapon presses onto my forehead. "I don't care about your son! I am here to end you with Mallory! This whole government filled tyranny to the poor and children will be burned into ashes!"

"You hear that everyone?! This weakling will end everything I built. Seems like history repeats itself. Let's see if you are like Bea. This is fun, don't you think, my son," he walks over to Mallory. Garrison puts his arm around Mallory, ruffling his hair affectionately,

I look up, finally realizing what Ms. Brianna warned me about. Don't trust the brown-haired guy with grey eyes. I shouldn't trust Mallory. This is all a trap.

Garrison's smile catches the artificial light above as he comes toward me.

He stands in front of me and bends low to meet me eye to eye. "Finally, I have more data to destroy all dreamers."

A syringe pinches on my skin, making me wince. Liquid pours into my veins. Instantly my eyes start to droop. "What did you do to me?" I said, slurring my words together. I can't sleep now... no...

I hear Mallory's muffled voice yell something. Through my blurring vision, guards hold him back as his father calmly holds his composure.

Mallory, why did you never tell me about your father? I thought. Is this how I would end my life?

Ms. Brianna, I am sorry I failed to change our futures. My body feels heavy as I barely feel someone dragging me somewhere again like a sack of potatoes. I will do everything. I must wake up. I have to!

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