Getting Caught (part 2)

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The nerve of Jimmy! First he traps Melody in a jar and taunts her, then he spends hours in his kitchen when he said he would leave her alone. How can she scavenge for food when he's wandering around making his breakfast! So all she could do was wait until the bastard left or turned his head long enough for her to grab some crumbs and go.
Jimmy was just about done making his omelet, that's when he turned his back to grab silverware. Now was her chance! Melody jumped out from behind the fridge and made a dash across the counter. Fortunately, there were some crumbs that fell off the toast he made. She hastily grabbed as much as she could and turned back before Jimmy saw her.
A hand suddenly slammed down in front of the small girl, causing her to stumble back. Her green eyes trailed up and locked onto his grinning face.
"Darling, you're back!"
"Stop calling me that!" She snapped.
"I would but I never got a name from you."
"That's cause I never gave you one."
"So rude." He chuckled.
"Would you just leave me alone so I can grab food in peace!" Melody shouted.
Jimmy narrowed his blue eyes. "What are you holding?"
He reached out towards the borrower, his fingertips brushed against her tiny arms as he pinched the minisuale food between his fingers.
"Hey give that back!"
After examining what she had taken, Jimmy's face scrunched up in disgust. "You're scavenging for crumbs?!"
"You wouldn't understand," Melody crossed her arms. "It's what I have to do!"
"I understand plenty and no you don't have to scavenge anymore." He flicked the crumb away and grabbed a second plate, and started to put a piece of toast, then he cut up part of his omelet and shoved the plate towards the small girl. "Here."
Melody just stared at the dish. "What is this, some kind of trick?"
"Why must you always assume that I'm trying to do something?"
"My kind doesn't trust beans."
Jimmy rolled his eyes as he took his plate to the table. "Look, if you don't want it, then you can leave. I'm just trying to be nice."
"You leave."
"Oh no, we're not doing that again! I'm gonna eat my breakfast here. You can either leave or stay."
"I don't want you to know where my passages are."
"Then I guess you're stuck here, darling." Jimmy laughed before shoving food into his mouth.
Melody sighed and slumped down by the plate, having no other choice but to wait for him to leave. "I hate that nickname."
"Well does your kind have a name?"
"If I give you my name will you stop calling me that?"
"You have my word."
The borrower took a deep breath. "It's Melody."
"Well it's glad to officially meet you, Melody." Jimmy smiled. "Now, let's get to know each other more."
"Just because I told you my name doesn't mean I want to tell you my life story." Melody scoffed.
"Aw, come on, I'll tell you my life story."
"I don't need to know about you."
Jimmy sighed. "Can I at least know if there's other tiny people here?"
"Hell no!"
"What are you exactly?"
"That's classified."
"Fine, don't tell me. Sorry for making conversation." Jimmy turned away from the small girl and finished eating his breakfast in silence. Then he stood up to his full height to leave. "I won't bug you anymore, Melody. So I guess I won't see you around anymore."
After he left, Melody felt a surge of guilt. But she didn't understand why. He's a bean, she shouldn't feel bad for not talking to him. He shouldn't even know she exists! Melody looked over at the pieces of breakfast he left for her. Jimmy said she didn't have to scavenge for crumbs anymore, but does that mean he would just make her food at any given moment? No there had to be more to this.... Still, it's been awhile since Melody had a real meal. Perhaps she could accept Jimmy's offering just this one time.

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