Chapter 7

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Amelie was happy. It was wonderful to be reunited with Chris after four years. They grew up together, went to school together, knew each other better than anyone else. During the end of high-school and early into their twenties, Amelie had feelings for Chris. It was more like a crush, but it was something. She did, however, find out later that he, too, had a crush on her. No one ever did anything about it, so they were never something. Now she was just glad to be reunited with him and to see ''the perfect trio'', as the three friends used to called themselves, back at it again. At least for a few days. 

''Your work place is absolutely amazing'' Chris exclaimed. Amelie had just finished giving her friends a tour of the set. ''I can't believe I met Christopher Nolan. And Mads Mikkelsen? Woah, that shit doesn't happen to anyone. He's such a nice guy'' he smiled. 

''I know right? He is one wonderful human being'' Amelie answered, her mind taking her back to that beautiful hug. For a second she almost forgot about everything around her again. ''Alright, I have to get back to work, but I'll see you two after, yeah?''. 

''Yes, of course'' Chris answered. 

''It's all about greasy food and catching up. I bet this boy right here has a lot to tell us'' Alexa said as she put her hand around Chris' shoulders. 

''You bet I do'' their friend winked, reminding Amelie of the old times. He used to wink all the time; it was his move, he knew he looked good when he did it. Chris had always been a good looking boy with his black curls hanging on his forehead, eyelashes longer than any girl's, eyes as black as his hair. He was tall and had good taste in fashion. 

They hugged goodbye and as Amelie turned around to head back she saw Christopher, the director, waving at her. 

''Amelie, hun'' he put his arm around her shoulder as they both headed back together. ''You're coming to my birthday party on Saturday, aren't you?''. He was so excited about that party, talking about it all the time. 

''You remember the guy you just met one hour ago?'' Amelie asked. 

''The one also called Chris, yes. The pretty one, yes yes'' the director nodded his head. 

''Well, he's only staying here until Sunday and it's been four years since I last saw him. I would love to come to your party, it's such an honor to be invited, but...''. Everyone on set was going and it was a bummer that she had to refuse the invitation, but she wanted to spend time with her friend. He'd only be there a few days.  

''But hun, come on. Yours friends can also come. The more the better'' he looked so happy, his lips always curved up into a smile. 

''Wait'' the young girl stopped in her tracks. ''Are you serious right now?''. 

''Of course''. 

''That's so nice of you. Then I'll let them know, I'm sure they want to come. Thank you, Chris'' she smiled so widely her cheeks hurt. 

''I promise it's going to be fun. Check your e-mail for more info on that''. 

''Yes, sir'' she joked. ''I can't wait''. 

''I'll let you be, I have a confused make-up artist waiting for me. We're not sure what make-up to do during the fight scene. Blue eye or busted lip? Maybe both? This shit is hard'' he laughed as he waved goodbye. 

Smiling to herself and excited for the weekend, Amelie turned her camera on and prepared it for the next shoot. 

''Someone's happy'' a voice she knew so well spoke from her left. 

''That's right'' she turned towards Mads, who was now two steps away from her. ''I just met my childhood friend after four years, Christopher just told me that Chris and Alexa are invited to his birthday party on Saturday and I work here. How about that?''. 

Mads chuckled softly as he looked at her with bright eyes. Her smile made him smile. ''That sounds pretty good'' he nodded his head as he continued to look at her. ''I'm glad you're coming to the party'' he admitted. 

''You're coming too?'' Amelie's face brightened up with hope. Although she was going to be there with her best friends, she wanted to see Mads there. She wanted to see him everywhere for that matter. 

''Of course I am. Chris is an old friend and he throws really fun parties I must say''. 

''I bet he does. I think it's sweet of him to invite all of us''. 

''It is. He appreciates and cares about every single person that works here, trust me''. 

''That's so sweet'' Amelie looked up at the extremely handsome man in front of her. ''Talking of sweet, I can't wait to eat birthday cake. I am craving something sweet so much right now, and I finish in three hours. I might just die'' she brought her hand to her forehead and acted like she was about to pass out. 

''Hmm'' he looked like he was thinking of something...of mischief. ''Come with me'' he grabbed her hand and led her towards his trailer. Was he aware that he was holding her hand so naturally, like it was something he did every day? Was he aware of what it did to her? She was. She knew exactly that there was no way she'd forget how his warm palm felt against hers, how it warmed her up in that cold, winter air. 

''Amelie, what I'm about to tell you is top secret

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''Amelie, what I'm about to tell you is top secret. You must not tell anyone about this'' he stopped in front of the small door of the trailer, looking very serious, eyebrows furrowed and voice low. 

''O...okay?'' she answered, confused of what was happening. Then, out of nowhere, Mads burst into loud laughter. ''I must confess that I am officially fucking confused'' she laughed with him, though she had no idea what about. 

''Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry but your expression was priceless'' he had a hard time stopping laughing. ''I'm kidding, but at the same time not'' he continued. Amelie wondered, though, if Mads was aware that he was still holding her hand. ''Tell me, Amelie, do you like macarons?''. 

''Are you serious? I love macarons. All flavors''. 

''Well then this is your lucky day. It is quite secret though, because everyone on set seems to enjoy eating them in secret when they are in sight. Now I have to take them with me in my trailer so I can have some myself. There's usually none left when I want some'' he smiled. ''You can have them''. He was so kind, so nice to Amelie that it wasn't helping the butterflies in her stomach to disappear. There was something in every little thing he did, every move, every eye contact that made her realize she was slowly starting to feel things for him. Was it good? She had no idea. 

Usually, Mads was a serious man. His speech was eloquent most of the time and his actions like those of a respectful, noble man. But sometimes, when he was with Amelie, he'd do things she never thought she'd see him do. It was fun to see him like that sometimes; he looked happy and it wasn't a bad sight at all. Happiness looked good on him. 

''Definitely a lucky day'' she smiled and then looked down at their locked fingers. Their hands went so well together, like they were made for each other. He did, at that moment, realize that he was still holding her hand, so he let go gently, silently. 

''Come on in then''. 

ON HOLD Photograph | Mads MikkelsenWhere stories live. Discover now