Chapter 6: Class

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Later, Aizawa came to check the boxes, and, finding nothing suspicious, allowed Bakugou to continue to sort out his clothing with the help of Kirishima. The two boys spent a while doing so and were able to fit the new clothes alongside the uniforms and other clothes in the large dresser.

"Alright, bro, I think that's it!" Kirishima announces happily, brushing his hands off after he sets the last shirt into a drawer.

Bakugou smirks. "Yeah, Shitty Hair." The other boy looks at him expectantly. "What?"

"You gonna say thaaaaanks?" Kirishima asks happily, drawing out the word.

Bakugou snarls, "No fuckin' way."

Kirishima rolls his eyes jokingly. "Alright, bro, you are very welcome. Also, just saying, my hair isn't actually that different than yours."

"Yeah, yeah," Bakugou mocks. Kirishima walks toward the door as Bakugou sits on his bed.

"See you tomorrow, Bakugou! Be ready for school on time!" Kisihima says before his exit.

Bakugou contemplates the idea of actually going to UA as school. He's only gone through preschool technically and the rest has been akin to homeschooling with Kurogiri. Also, the rest of the school doesn't know who he is so how is he supposed to deal with them? The blonde frowns. He'll deal with it tomorrow, anyway.


The next day, Bakugou wakes up to an insistent beeping sound next to his bed. He groans, flopping an arm to the sound, turning off the alarm clock with the numbers 6:30 blaring at him.

With another groan, the blonde sits up in bed, rubbing his hands over his face. He stands from his bed and goes to his dresser, opening up a drawer to see many duplicates of the same uniform. He draws one out and looks at it. He can't help but think the uniform is hideous, not being used to the uniform life, and if the teachers think he will wear a tie, they can go fuck themselves. No way in hell is he putting another object around his neck. Especially willingly.

Tossing on the uniform, wearing it quite loosely with the pants baggy around his thin waist, Bakugou goes through his morning routine before opening the door to see Kirishima waiting for him. The redhead offers a cheerful smile and Bakugou responds with a grunt before the two head downstairs.

The elevator dings and they step into the common area where students are bustling about, making breakfast, eating, and chatting, with a couple people panicking about assignments they forgot about.

"Hey Bakugou," Kaminari exclaims from the other side of the room, "can you please please please please please help me do this paper real quick? Only like a couple questions!"

Bakugou rolls his eyes and grunts, "Sure, dumbass."

Kirishima smiles at Bakugou as the panicked blonde thanks Bakugou with tears in his eyes. The two go toward the couch and get to work, Bakugou directing Kaminari through the questions quickly so that they can get to breakfast.

Kirishima has a bright smile on his face as he moves to the kitchen. Midoriya, from his place at a bar stool next to Todoroki, says, "Hey Kirishima! How are you and Kacchan doing?"

"Hey Midoriya! I'm great and Bakugou is over there helping Kaminari with homework," Kirishima replies, pointing his thumb over his back in the direction of the discussed teens.

Midoriya smiles as he eats his food. "That's great! He may be a villain now but I know that deep inside he cares about people. Always has, even if he tries to act like he doesn't. He's just stubborn and has had a difficult life and got on the wrong track," he says with a saddened look on his face. "I think that once he gets to know normal people who are not villains again, he will come back to us."

Rehabilitating Bakugou (Abused/Depressed/Villain Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now