Chapter 7: Evaluation

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The students filter into the locker rooms, Kirishima directing Bakugou to the men's. "I bet they got you a locker, bro, so let's check the names," Kirishima says. "Hey everyone, can you all check next to your lockers to find out where Bakugou's is?" The other students in the room do so while they change into their gym uniforms and report that his is not next to theirs. Kirishima reaches his own locker and sees that Bakugou's is directly to his left. "Hey, Bakugou! You're next to me!" he says with a bright smile.

Bakugou rolls his eyes despite secretly being a bit happy, "Shut up and get ready, Shitty Hair." He goes to his locker, which has the combination on a paper stuck to it. He opens it and pulls out the gym uniform which looks even worse than the normal uniform. He grimaces as he puts it on.

When everyone is ready, they exit the locker room and go on the open training grounds. Bakugou stalks moodily next to Kirishima, a glare on his face and hands stuffed in his pockets, as usual. Once everyone reaches where their teacher stands, finally out of his caterpillar form, Aizawa begins, "Today we are doing an evaluation of sorts. However, it is less focused on each of you, as it is mainly an evaluation of Bakugou," he says, eyes boring into the villain. "A few more pro heroes are on their way to make sure this is all safe because we will be removing the quirk inhibitor—"

"Fuckin' finally!" Bakugou shouts with great exasperation, tossing his hands in the air.

"Quiet down, Bakugou, and let me explain," Aizawa continues. "This will be a learning experience for each of you, going up against a real villain like at the USJ, but in a safer environment. He will most likely overpower all of you," the students look shocked and a bit disbelieving, "and we heroes will go against him after you are all done to see his full capabilities. And Bakugou," he looks directly into the teen's eyes, "remember what I said when you first got here. Don't you dare hurt anyone badly."

Th blonde smirks, "Fine," while the rest of the class fidgets nervously.

Their teacher looks around at them again and asks, "You don't need to say what it is, but does anyone here know Bakugou's quirk?"

Kirishima and Midoriya raise their hands, "Yeah, since I went to where he was at USJ and he basically kept me there," Kirishima says.

Midoriya also chips in, "I knew him before he was taken at five and he already got his quirk, so I know it but it's probably a lot stronger than back then, anyway."

Aizawa nods, "Okay, and for the rest of you, the quirk is explosion. Bakugou, could you explain it a bit more?"

The villain huffs, "Fine, teach." He walks up by Aizawa and turns to the rest of the class. "The sweat glands on my hands make nitroglycerin, an explosive chemical, rather than normal sweat, and when I ignite it I make explosions varying in size depending on what I'm doing and want to do." He glance to his teacher, "Am I done now?"

Aizawa replies blandly, "Yes, go by your friends." Bakugou walks away grumbling about how he does not have friends while the students see some other heroes arrive.

All Might, Midnight, Cementoss, and Present Mic come toward them, the extroverted English teacher screaming Aizawa's first name, causing the man to groan in irritation.

"Hey, Shouta! Ready for an AWESOME fight?" he yells.

Aizawa rubs his temple and says, "Sure, Hizashi."

Then it is All Might's turn to say his trademark, "I AM HERE!" while the rest of them near the students. He walks over toward Bakugou and lifts a hand for him to shake. "Hello, Bakugou-shounen! I look forward to a friendly battle with you!" he says with his large smile.

What he receives, however, is a venomous glare as the boy snarls at the man, "There is no way in fuck that I am going to shake All Might's hand." The hero's smile wobbles for a second at the response.

"Well, I guess that makes sense," the massive hero says as he pulls his hand away. "I suppose you know about my very bad relations with the villain group's leader?"

Bakugou growls under his breath but does not say another word.

Aizawa interrupts the exchange while Kirishima goes to calm Bakugou. "Alright, brats, go over to that field, there," he says, pointing to a massive field that could fit about seven football fields. Sending one last glare at All Might, Bakugou turns with the other students to go to the designated area while the heroes besides Aizawa stay where they are to watch.

Once they reach where they were told to go, Aizawa walks up to Bakugou, who smirks, and lifts a key to the back of the collar on his neck while students watch curiously. As soon as the restricting object is removed from his neck, Bakugou's smirk widens, and he runs a hand over his neck before holding out his hands and releasing small explosions from each. "Now we're fuckin' talkin'!" he exclaims happily.

"Dude, that's so sick!" Kaminari shouts while Kirishima smiles, saying something about manly quirks. The class watches as Bakugou is happily reunited with his quirk, but he then directs a competitive glare at them.

"I'm gonna crush all you extras real fucking fast," he says before laughing maniacally.

Kirishima chuckles, "Don't go too crazy, bro." With a more nervous tinge to his voice, he adds, "Please."

Standing back up normally, hands no longer igniting explosions, Bakugou says, "Yeah, yeah. I'm too good for you all anyway. If I beat you too bad it'd just be sad."

Most of the class rolls their eyes at the announcement as Aizawa says, "Alright, Bakugou, you go over to the left, everyone else, to my right. All those who are defeated will come to me, as they will be considered "out." I will only be involved if anything bad happens and I won't be in the hero v Bakugou fight either so we can see his quirk in action. Now spend some time strategizing."

The students to Aizawa's right huddle, whispers emanating from the massive blob of students. Soon, they separate and face Bakugou, who had been standing impatiently on his spot.

Aizawa glances around at his class, now in their fighting positions, his usual students focused on Bakugou as he glares back at them. Aizawa sighs. "Begin."


Sorry for it being a shorter chapter, it's so I didn't have to smoosh the fight in at the end lol so next chapter will be fun 😈

Also, be ready for a little~ bit of angst hehehe

Word Count: 1097

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