Chapter 8: The Fight

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Immediately, the mass of students organizes with Koda in the front, backed by some of the heavy hitters of the class, with those better at distance in the back. Bakugou narrows his eyes as he awaits their first move. Moments later, he hears squeaks, squawks, and stampeding approaching him while Sato, Ojiro, and Shoji run towards him. Birds, rodents, and all sorts of animals swoop down on him, but he dodges between each one, not willing to hurt the animals but avoiding the damage easily.

As the three students reach him, Bakugou ducks between their punches faster than they can register, quickly hitting them in weak spots, powering his hits with explosions, and soon the three are unable to move. He approaches Koda, who backs away nervous, and, staying low, sets off an explosion that sends the quiet boy back harshly, knocking him to the ground and forcing him to leave and go over to their teacher where the other three who were defeated are now spectating from as well. Looking up, Bakugou sees Mineta shaking, and, without a doubt in his mind, sets off a large explosion in the grape's face, rocketing him away. Bakugou smirks, enjoying himself, as he stands up, posture relaxed but ready to turn on a dime, and sees Ashido and Iida coming towards him, Iida sprinting using his quirk and Ashido sliding on her acid. Iida throws a high speed kick at Bakugou, who dodges it. The blonde then ducks under the acid-covered arm of Ashido as it swings at him, swoops begins her, and pushes her to the place he was moments before.

The movement was so quick that Iida, who had been going in to attack, rams into Mina at full speed and both students are knocked to the side, unable to move.

"Hah! Watch where you're going, Four Eyes!" Bakugou laughs when an arm swings above him, causing him to suck down. He looks up to see Kirishima smiling at him. He grins back, launching an explosion at the redhead, who hardens and does not take damage. A piece of tape flies toward Bakugou and he leaps to the side, only to have ice and a beam of light fly at him at that spot. He jumps from place to place, avoiding consecutive attacks from Sero, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Aoyama using accurate explosions. While avoiding a particularly large shot of ice, Bakugou rockets himself up into the air, twisting like an acrobat once he is far above the students, and turns as he begins to fall, angling one arm down at them supporting it with his other arm, and ignites a massive explosion that shakes the ground on impact and pushes Bakugou up higher.

He falls to the ground, breaking his landing with minor explosions, and sees that he has defeated Aoyama, Jirou, Sero, Asui, and Kirishima in the blast, though Todoroki was able to surround himself and the rest of the students in a dome of ice at the last moment.

As chunks of ice fall away from the shelter, Bakugou sees only five of the final seven students within it. He turns swiftly, dodging an attack with his instincts alone, as he realizes the invisible girl has snuck up behind him. Bakugou immobilizes her quickly with an explosion, knowing where she is because she is wearing the gym uniform, as he sees a large shadow looming over him. He grins up at Dark Shadow.

"You picked the wrong person to use that one on," he states, letting off yet another large explosion that renders the shadow useless with its light so that Tokoyami is forced to leave the fight.

Bakugou hears noise above him. He looks up to see large chunks of ice, some seeming like large glaciers floating in the air, hovering above him. He smirks at the interesting use of surroundings before flying into the air again as the ice begins to fall towards him. He dodges some ice expertly and lands atop a particularly high and large chunk, holding onto it, and trains his eyes on the five final students, down in the spot that used to be a dome of ice. Grinning, he pushes off from his spot and releases another massive explosion, the force throwing the larger chunks of ice that do not melt from the heat of the explosion in the direction of the remaining students. The collision takes out Uraraka and Yaoyorozu who had been working to create something she will not be able to use now, unfortunately. The impact also raises a huge cloud of dust, and as it clears, Bakugou sees Midoriya flying towards him.

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